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  • Flood Risk Assessment Guidance

    This also includes the addition of the surface water 1 in 100 year extent (1% annual exceedance probability) being adopted into Flood Zone 3a (surface water) - refer Section 5.10.3.... 1.... Residual risk should be mitigated through flood resilient / resistant designs and emergency planning to make sure suitable measures are in place to offer protection.
  • Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector Grants

    1 grant available of £25,000 per year... The offer may include, but is not limited to:
  • Privacy Notice and Data Protection

    The council processes special category data for Employment (HR), social security and social  protection, health, social care, public health and research purposes when the conditions set out in  paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the DPA 2018 is met.... Under section 10(2) of the DPA 2018, the council may process special category data and criminal  conviction data for the purposes of archiving, research and statistics when a condition set out in Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the DPA 2018 is met.... Paragraph 1 (Statutory etc. purposes)
  • Previous consultations

    Current charges 2013-014: £7,50 up to 25 copies for 1 month / £15-26 to 50 copies for 1 month Proposed charges 2014-2015: £7,50 up to 25 copies for 1 month / £15-26 to 50 copies for 1 month Notes: No charge from 13-14... Current charges 2013-2014: Europe (1 to 6 pages): £3,40 Proposed charges 2014-2015: Europe (1 to 6 pages): £3,40 Notes: No charge from 13-14... Current charges 2013-2014: 1 to 6 pages: £1,80 Proposed charges 2014-2015: 1 to 6 pages: £1,80 Notes: No charge from 13-14
  • Kingston

    De Cade, Alice... De Chivers,... De Roos, Anna
  • Animal Licences fees

    1 year licence - £173 additional fee on successful grant
  • Complaints about Children's Social Services

    Stage 1 (Local Resolution)... For corporate Stage 1 complaints, a reply will be sent within 15 working days.... If you are unhappy with the response from Stage 1, you can write to the Customer Care Manager advising us of why you feel the Stage 1 response did not answer your complaint, and request an independent investigation.
  • Rent setting policy

    From 1 April 2020 The Government has permitted annual rent increases on both social rent and affordable rent properties of up to CPI plus 1 percentage point from 2020, for a period of at least five years... The rents will increase by a maximum CPI + 1% in line with the Government's new 5 year rent settlement for the period 2020/21 - 2024/25.... Increases should be limited to CPI +1%, unless new or extended services are introduced.
  • Community Grants Programme

    At Stage 1, the response will be provided by the officer who provided the final review of the application.... The Head of Service responsible for the Funding Programme will review the Stage 1 response and will provide a further response within 20 working days.... The request for appeal will be presented to the Assistant Director for Culture, Communities and Engagement, along with the responses from Stage 1 Clarification and Stage 2 Review.
  • Surbiton

    De Cruz, Rhoda... De Graenove, $... De Lacey, John