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  • Information on major work programmes

    The Council are also considering whether it will be able to offer payments in instalments from receipt of the estimate.... If this option can be offered, further details will be provided when we consult with leaseholders on the estimated charge for major works.... Last Modified: 15/06/2020 13:11:30
  • Kingston Council raises concerns about schools reopening

    Years 11 and 13 only receive remote learning... Testing starts in priority year groups (starting with Years 11 and 13 if not already tested)... Pupils in Years 11 and 13 return to face-to-face learning
  • Repair Week 2024

    13 March, 10am to 12pm: Mend & Parch... 13 March, 1pm to 3pm: Illustrative Embroidery... 13 March, 4pm to 6pm: Repurpose & Recreate
  • Our Mayoral history and key facts

    The senior Bailiff (who would now be the Mayor) carried the Great Mace; made of silver gilt, the head comprises Royal badges between sprigs or roses and fleur-de-lys in panels divided by caryatids, with a band representing fur and a Royal crown.... The junior Bailiff (who would now be the Deputy Mayor) carried the ‘small mace’; also made of silver gilt, the small mace consisted of a plain band with dividing bands, and imagery of roses and fleur-de-lys, as well as a shield with the three salmon of Kingston and caryatids.
  • Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) and Permit Parking Areas (PPA)

    PPAs are areas DB, DC, DD, DE, DF, DG, and DH.... DE - Albany Mews
  • ReWork your creative practice!

    Our creative coaches at Collage Arts will offer advice and guidance to participants throughout their creative journey with us.... We offer:
  • ReWork your creative practice!

    Our creative coaches at Collage Arts will offer advice and guidance to participants throughout their creative journey with us.... We offer:
  • Website - business login

    Business directory and login section for members only information/access to update events, offers, news items
  • Music lessons and Term Dates

    KMS is currently not offering any early years provision.
  • Kingston Green Business Challenge

    Last Modified: 13/12/2021 10:52:24