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    I have read and understood the terms and conditions set out in the leaflet Reproduction and Photography and confirm my acceptance of them. 3.... I understand that, as Kingston Museum and Heritage Service may not be the owner of all the rights in the material supplied, it is my responsibility to ensure that all necessary rights to publish (including on-line publishing) or broadcasts are properly cleared in advance at my expense. 7.
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    b) (​for unpublished works only) ​to the best of my knowledge the work has not been published before it was deposited with Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, and the copyright owner has not prohibited copying of the work.... c)(​for published works only​) to the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to make at about the same time as this request a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose. 3.... I understand that, as Kingston Heritage Service may not be the owner of all the rights in the material supplied, it is my responsibility to ensure that all necessary rights to publish (including on-line publishing) or broadcast are properly cleared in advance at my expense. 9.
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    c)(​for unpublished works only) ​to the best of my knowledge the work has not been published before it was deposited with Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, and the copyright owner has not prohibited copying of the work.... d)(​for published works only​) to the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to make at about the same time as this request a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose. 3.... I understand that, as Kingston Heritage Service may not be the owner of all the rights in the material supplied, it is my responsibility to ensure that all necessary rights to publish (including on-line publishing) or broadcast are properly cleared in advance at my expense 6.

    c)(for unpublished works only) to the best of my knowledge the work has not been published before it was deposited with Kingston Museum and Heritage Service, and the copyright owner has not prohibited copying of the work.... d)(for published works only) to the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to make at about the same time as this request a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose. 3 I have read the accompanying leaflet List of charges and fees and agree to the relevant scale(s) of charges for the work I require to be undertaken. 4.
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    Is my message clear?... KHS Style and branding guidelines | Grammar and punctuation | pg 41 Frequently mixed up words that can cause grammatical confusion Affect is a verb Effect is a noun Affect and effect This will affect visitor numbers It had an emotional effect on me If you compliment someone, you are expressing admiration for them, or praising them for something If one thing complements another, each of the two separate items function or look better because they are together Compliment and complement The teacher complimented the Learning and Access Officer and Curator on the workshop The butterflies and the artwork really complement each other Enquiry is to ask Inquire is to make a more formal investigation (and is generally more American) Use ‘ask’, ‘question’ or ‘help’ instead Enquiry and inquiry ‘You can ask for more information in the shop’ rather than ‘you can make an enquiry at the shop’ Our Curators deal with thousands of questions every year The Guardian style guide explains the difference between into and in to well Into One word if you go into a room Two words in such sentences as: I called in to complain I listened in to their conversation I went in to see my friend It’s is short for it is Its is possessive It’s and its It’s a lovely day for a walk The carriage lost its wheel KHS Style and branding guidelines | Grammar and punctuation | pg 42 Less means smaller in quantity Fewer means smaller in number Less and fewer Visitors are spending less money than they did last month We have had fewer visitors than last month Is two separate wordsOn to That is used to limit information Which is used to add information That and which Films that are shown on Mondays are very popular.