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    Please supply me with a copy/copies of the items listed overleaf which are either (i) required by me for the purposes of research for a non-commercial purpose or private study or (ii) are judged by me not to be an infringement of copyright. 2.... d)(for published works only) to the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to make at about the same time as this request a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose. 3 I have read the accompanying leaflet List of charges and fees and agree to the relevant scale(s) of charges for the work I require to be undertaken. 4.... Every effort will be made to obtain the best copy possible having respect for the safety of the document involved. 2.
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    Please supply me with a copy/copies of the items listed overleaf which are either (i) required by me for the purposes of research for a non-commercial purpose or private study or (ii) are judged by me not to be an infringement of copyright. 2.... d)(​for published works only​) to the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to make at about the same time as this request a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose. 3.... I accept full responsibility for any injury to persons or damage to property caused whilst using the facilities 2.
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    Please supply me with a copy/copies of the items listed overleaf which are judged by me not to be an infringement of copyright. 2.... I accept full responsibility for any injury to persons or damage to property caused whilst using the facilities 2.... Every effort will be made to obtain the best copy possible having respect for the safety of the document involved. 2.

    delete as appropriate) 2.... I agree with and undertake to pay all charges and fees set out in the leaflet List of charges and fees. 4.... I accept full responsibility for any injury to persons or damage to property caused whilst using the facilities. 6.
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    1 Collections Development Policy Kingston Museum Revised October 2016 2 Governing Body: Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames The governing body within the Council is the Place Directorate.... Please include one of the following two paragraphs: The museum will not undertake disposal motivated principally by financial reasons 2.... The governing body will be guided by the national guidance on the responsible acquisition of cultural property issued by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in 2005. 10 Human remains 10.1 As the museum holds or intends to acquire human remains under 100 years old, it will obtain the necessary licence under the Human Tissue Act 2004 and any subordinate legislation from time to time in force. 10.2 As the museum holds or intends to acquire human remains from any period, it will follow the procedures in the ‘Guidance for the care of human remains in museums’ issued by DCMS in 2005. 10 Biological and geological material 12 11.1 So far as biological and geological material is concerned, the museum will not acquire by any direct or indirect means any specimen that has been collected, sold or otherwise transferred in contravention of any national or international wildlife protection or natural history conservation law or treaty of the United Kingdom or any other country, except with the express consent of an appropriate outside authority. 12 Archaeological material 12.1 The museum will not acquire archaeological material (including excavated ceramics) in any case where the governing body or responsible officer has any suspicion that the circumstances of their recovery involved a failure to follow the appropriate legal procedures. 12.2 In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the procedures include reporting finds to the landowner or occupier of the land and to the proper authorities in the case of possible treasure (i.e. the Coroner for Treasure) as set out in the Treasure Act 1996 (as amended by the Coroners & Justice Act 2009). 13 Exceptions 13.1 Any exceptions to the above clauses will only be because the museum is: o acting as an externally approved repository of last resort for material of local (UK) origin o acting with the permission of authorities with the requisite jurisdiction in the country of origin In these cases the museum will be open and transparent in the way it makes decisions and will act only with the express consent of an appropriate outside authority.
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    We are: Our audiences: - Who am I writing for?... How can I make it work for the audience?... Have I captured our values?
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    To find out more please contact Matthew Rosenberg e t 07949 107023
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    To find out more please contact Matthew Rosenberg at e t 07949 107023
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    The Guildhall (2) was opened in 1935 by Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, and granddaughter of Queen Victoria.... The most famous charter was granted by Charles I who, in 1628, gave Kingston the right to ban other markets within 7 miles.... Queen Elizabeth I gave the chapel to Kingston to form a Grammar School by the Royal Charter in 1561.
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    Kingston History Centre has a platform lift to provide access to the search room, lift access to the rest of the Guildhall building, a disabled toilet and low level PCs and microfilm readers to enable full access to resources.... Researchers wishing to access archives and local history material which is stored offsite will have to wait a maximum of 2 weeks for the records to be retrieved and access provided at Kingston History Centre.