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    Its buildings, including some inns, faced into the Market Place and backed onto small wharves.... Visitors to All Saints’ can find out more about its history in the church’s heritage gallery.... Queen Elizabeth I gave the chapel to Kingston to form a Grammar School by the Royal Charter in 1561.
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    I declare that: (a)I have not previously been supplied with a copy of the same material by you or any other librarian or archivist.... I have read the accompanying leaflet ​List of charges and fees ​and agree to the relevant scale(s) of charges for the work I require to be undertaken. 4.... I understand that if the declaration is false in a material particular the copy supplied by you to me will be an infringing copy and that I shall be liable for infringement of copyright as if I had made the copy myself.

    I declare that: (a)I have not previously been supplied with a copy of the same material by you or any other librarian or archivist.... d)(for published works only) to the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to make at about the same time as this request a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose. 3 I have read the accompanying leaflet List of charges and fees and agree to the relevant scale(s) of charges for the work I require to be undertaken. 4.... I understand that if the declaration is false in a material particular the copy supplied by me to you will be an infringing copy and that I shall be liable for infringement of copyright as if I had made the copy myself.

    I have read and understood the terms and conditions set out in the leaflet Reproduction and Photography and confirm my acceptance of them. 3.... I agree with and undertake to pay all charges and fees set out in the leaflet List of charges and fees. 4.... I accept full responsibility for any injury to persons or damage to property caused whilst using the facilities. 6.
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    We are: Our audiences: - Who am I writing for?... How can I make it work for the audience?... Have I captured our values?
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    Email: I wish to pay: first half hour free □ minimum fee of £15 for subsequent half an hour □ £45 for up to two hours □ £75 for up to three hours □ We are unable to undertake research beyond three hours.
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    The Heritage Service exists to identify and celebrate what is uniquely special about our borough and its people, locales, traditions and institutions and to build on this history while striving to discover, record and share the new stories occurring all around us. 1.2.... ● To work with other local cultural organisations to make connections between the aspects of culture in the borough which define Kingston as a unique place, such as its riverside location, its royal connections and its innovation, creativity and developments in arts and science... Kingston History Centre (referred to as the “History Centre”) collects, manages and provides access and understanding to historical archives and local studies materials relating primarily to the area of the present day borough, with some items contributing to a wider local, national and international understanding of its past. 1.4.
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    In all development policies the impact of the project, particularly its long-term impact, will be considered at the planning stage and sustainability will be built into all our projects.... ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGSTON UPON THAMES STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames is committed to improving its own environmental performance, to minimising its impact on the local, regional and global environment and to encouraging others working in, living in, and visiting the Royal Borough to do likewise.... All directors are also responsible for taking regard of the Council’s Low Carbon Management Plan in the delivery of its services and day-to-day operations.
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    ● To work with other local cultural organisations to make connections between the aspects of culture in the borough which define Kingston as a unique place, such as its riverside location, its royal connections and its innovation, creativity and developments in arts and science... By definition, the museum has a long-term purpose and holds collections in trust for the benefit of the public in relation to its stated objectives.... The museum recognises its responsibility, when acquiring additions to its collections, to ensure that care of collections, documentation arrangements and use of collections will meet the requirements of the Museum Accreditation Standard.