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    To find out more please contact Matthew Rosenberg e t 07949 107023
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    To find out more please contact Matthew Rosenberg at e t 07949 107023
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    Preventative Conservation Preventative conservation of the collection is the responsibility of the curator(s) who will care for the collections according to the Care and Conservation Plan which is reviewed every three years.... They will regularly review the collections on permanent display, the stored collections, and any items going out on display or on loan to other institutions.... Remedial Conservation The curator(s) will identify any remedial conservation of objects that is required and seek a specialist conservator to carry out the work.
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    By Spring 2017 we aim to go live with Calmview, a portal via which the public can search these records, in order to increase access.... Definitions We will document our collections to either Inventory or Catalogue level, as described below: ● Inventory level: This includes sufficient key information to allow any object(s) in our care to be individually identified and verified.
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    the exception to this will be when TMS records go online) Latin names Use italics for Latin or taxonomic names, use the common name first Most of the time this information is unnecessary for a general audience Think about why you are using the taxonomic name.... If you are writing text (as opposed to a list or table) write these out in full Abbreviations Key Stage 2 (KS2) circa (not c. – also see dates) for example (not eg) Apostrophes are used to show letters that have been missed out Apostrophes We didn’t [did not] have enough time They are also used for possession The Housekeeper’s keys could weigh up to 1 kg The BBC’s guidelines If you are using an apostrophe to indicate possession and the word ends in s, add an apostrophe at the end of the name It was James’ pen I borrowed the pen from James Apostrophes are not used for plurals Machines not machine’s ABCs not ABC’s They aren’t used for years or decades either The 1980s or 80s not 80’s People in their 50s not 50’s Below are some common gramatical mistakes that are easy to make but we seek to avoid.... We’re going in.
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    Go to the end of London Road.... Go back to the telephone boxes and turn left.... Before turning left into Lady Booth Road to go to the Museum, continue a little further down Eden Street, you will see on the brick wall opposite a ceramic mural depicting Kingston’s seven Saxon kings (27) and buildings and characters connected with Eden Street.
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    Book illustration, television programme) please specify Title of publication/programme/film/other Publisher/media company/manufacturer Author/director/producer Approx. date of publication/broadcast/release Estimated resale price Language(s) Region (UK, worldwide, one country) Colour/Black and White Print Run/ Length of license Signed: Date: Form Number (office use): Terms and Conditions 1.... I have read the accompanying leaflet ​List of charges and fees ​and agree to the relevant scale(s) of charges for the work I require to be undertaken. 4.

    d)(for published works only) to the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to make at about the same time as this request a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose. 3 I have read the accompanying leaflet List of charges and fees and agree to the relevant scale(s) of charges for the work I require to be undertaken. 4.
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    I have read the accompanying leaflet ​List of charges and fees ​and agree to the relevant scale(s) of charges for the work I require to be undertaken. 4.
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    Action to reduce environmental impact 2.1 The Council will take all reasonable measures necessary to reduce its impact on climate change, adapt to climate change and reduce pollutant emissions and waste generation to a minimum and to conserve resources. 2.2 The impact of current activities on the environment will be examined. 2.3 The environmental impact of all new activities, projects and operations will be considered in advance by relevant officer(s), and be reported to the appropriate Committee when they are of significance. 2.4 Monitoring procedures will be established and applied, to check compliance with the Council’s environmental policy.