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    Backgrounds KHS Style and branding guidelines | Backgrounds | pg 21 Background colours and contrasts R:22 G:38 B:85 C:74 Y:0 M:55 K:67 Hex #162655 R:36 G:83 B:255 C:86 Y:67 M:0 K:0 Hex #2453FF R:56 G:182 B:255 C:78 Y:29 M:0 K:0 Hex #38B6FF R:175 G:210 B:65 C:17 Y:0 M:69 K:18 Hex #AFD242 R:248 G:187 B:36 C:0 Y:85 M:25 K:3 Hex #F8BB24 Core brand colours Brand palette Please always use the CMYK values for professionally printed items and either the RGB or Hex values for screen / digital.... KHS Style and branding guidelines | Brand palette | pg 22 R:237 G:81 B:40 C:0 Y:77 M:61 K:7 Hex #ED5128 Wider colour palette Brand Palette Please always use the CMYK values for professionally printed items and either the RGB or Hex values for screen/digital.... R:99 G:81 B:226 C:50 Y:0 M:57 K:11 Hex #6351E2 R:166 G:100 B:28 C:0 Y:54 M:26 K:35 Hex #A6641C R:175 G:210 B:65 C:17 Y:0 M:69 K:18 Hex #AFD242 R:255 G:222 B:83 C:0 Y:67 M:13 K:0 Hex #FFDE53 R:255 G:138 B:211 C:0 Y:17 M:46 K:0 Hex #FF8AD3 R:248 G:187 B:36 C:0 Y:85 M:25 K:3 Hex #F8BB24 R:22 G:38 B:85 C:74 Y:0 M:55 K:67 Hex #162655 R:36 G:83 B:255 C:86 Y:67 M:0 K:0 Hex #2453FF R:56 G:182 B:255 C:78 Y:29 M:0 K:0 Hex #38B6FF R:118 G:193 B:83 C39 Y:57 M:0 K24 Hex #76C153 R:255 G:145 B:77 C:0 Y:70 M:43 K:0 Hex #FF914D KHS Style and branding guidelines | Brand palette | pg 23 Use matt inks and papers as glossy surfaces create glare.
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    There have been several royal visitors, including Queen Elizabeth II in 1961, 1992 and 2002.... The Market Place was laid out about 1170, in the time of Henry II.... Herland designed the famous hammer beam roof in Westminster Hall for Richard II.

    Please supply me with a copy/copies of the items listed overleaf which are either (i) required by me for the purposes of research for a non-commercial purpose or private study or (ii) are judged by me not to be an infringement of copyright. 2.
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    The following professional guidance will be taken in to consideration when reviewing the access policy and procedures ● Code of Ethics of the Archives and Records Association, 2016 ● CILIP’s Code of Professional Conduct, 2012 in particular the sections on responsibilities to information and its users, and responsibilities to society ● ISAD(G): in ensuring that collections information is of sufficient quality so as to enable access through adequate catalogue search. 4.5.
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    Please supply me with a copy/copies of the items listed overleaf which are either (i) required by me for the purposes of research for a non-commercial purpose or private study or (ii) are judged by me not to be an infringement of copyright. 2.
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    The museum will document when these exceptions occur. 14 Spoliation 14.1 The museum will use the statement of principles ‘Spoliation of Works of Art during the Nazi, Holocaust and World War II period’, issued for non-national museums in 1999 by the Museums and Galleries Commission. 15 The Repatriation and Restitution of objects and human remains 13 15.1 The museum’s governing body, acting on the advice of the museum’s professional staff, if any, may take a decision to return human remains (unless covered by the ‘Guidance for the care of human remains in museums’ issued by DCMS in 2005) , objects or specimens to a country or people of origin.