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    Email: I wish to pay: first half hour free □ minimum fee of £15 for subsequent half an hour □ £45 for up to two hours □ £75 for up to three hours □ We are unable to undertake research beyond three hours.
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    On the site of Next (formerly Hides Department Store), stood the Castle Inn built in 1537, whose beautifully restored Jacobean oak stairway forms part of the shop (15).... The impressive façade of 14-15 Market Place, was designed by architects for Boots the Chemist, who took over the building and erected the historical façade in 1909.
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    The museum will document when these exceptions occur. 14 Spoliation 14.1 The museum will use the statement of principles ‘Spoliation of Works of Art during the Nazi, Holocaust and World War II period’, issued for non-national museums in 1999 by the Museums and Galleries Commission. 15 The Repatriation and Restitution of objects and human remains 13 15.1 The museum’s governing body, acting on the advice of the museum’s professional staff, if any, may take a decision to return human remains (unless covered by the ‘Guidance for the care of human remains in museums’ issued by DCMS in 2005) , objects or specimens to a country or people of origin.... The governing body will therefore ensure that issues relating to accountability and impartiality are carefully considered to avoid undue influence on its decision-making process. 15 16.13.1 In cases where the governing body wishes for sound curatorial reasons to exchange material directly with Accredited or non- Accredited museums, with other organisations or with individuals, the procedures in paragraphs 16.1-5 will apply. 16.13.2 If the exchange is proposed to be made with a specific Accredited museum, other Accredited museums which collect in the same or related areas will be directly notified of the proposal and their comments will be requested. 16.13.3 If the exchange is proposed with a non-Accredited museum, with another type of organisation or with an individual, the museum will place a notice on the MA’s Find an Object web listing service, or make an announcement in the Museums Association’s Museums Journal or in other specialist publications and websites (if appropriate). 16.13.4 Both the notification and announcement must provide information on the number and nature of the specimens or objects involved both in the museum’s collection and those intended to be acquired in exchange.
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    Kingston Heritage Service Style and branding guidelines Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames | Introduction Who we are Mission Writing text Text materials and graphics Typography Labels Displays and positioning Logos Backgrounds Brand palette Printed materials Credits Crediting Images Reproductions Templates Social media Emails Preferred formats and terms Phraseology Grammar and punctuation Sign off procedures pg 1 pg 2 pg 3 pg 4 pg 8 pg 11 pg 14 pg 15 pg 16 pg 21 pg 22 pg 24 pg 25 pg 26 pg 27 pg 28 pg 29 pg 30 pg 31 pg 36 pg 39 pg 44 Contents signage marketing external communications exhibition design interpretation texts digital resources web text learning resources These branding guidelines provide information on the house style and tone for Kingston Heritage Service.... Displays and positioning KHS Style and branding guidelines | Displays and positioning | pg 15 How to display text, graphics and labels 1600mm 750mm Guidelines for reproduction of the images Logos These two main logos are the Kingston Heritage Service logo and the Kingston Council logo.... Between 15 and 20 Other languages Sometimes we have to use terminology from other languages.