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    We all have different beliefs and access needs, and language usage changes all the time.... Avoid all upper case letters.... R:99 G:81 B:226 C:50 Y:0 M:57 K:11 Hex #6351E2 R:166 G:100 B:28 C:0 Y:54 M:26 K:35 Hex #A6641C R:175 G:210 B:65 C:17 Y:0 M:69 K:18 Hex #AFD242 R:255 G:222 B:83 C:0 Y:67 M:13 K:0 Hex #FFDE53 R:255 G:138 B:211 C:0 Y:17 M:46 K:0 Hex #FF8AD3 R:248 G:187 B:36 C:0 Y:85 M:25 K:3 Hex #F8BB24 R:22 G:38 B:85 C:74 Y:0 M:55 K:67 Hex #162655 R:36 G:83 B:255 C:86 Y:67 M:0 K:0 Hex #2453FF R:56 G:182 B:255 C:78 Y:29 M:0 K:0 Hex #38B6FF R:118 G:193 B:83 C39 Y:57 M:0 K24 Hex #76C153 R:255 G:145 B:77 C:0 Y:70 M:43 K:0 Hex #FF914D KHS Style and branding guidelines | Brand palette | pg 23 Use matt inks and papers as glossy surfaces create glare.
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    The History Centre acknowledges that other legislation may influence access to collections and will follow all legal requirements to the best of the best of our ability 4.3.... All staff and volunteers are responsible for following and implementing this policy. 5.2.... The policy will be reviewed in October 2020, with all necessary consultation being undertaken as part of this process.
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    In all development policies the impact of the project, particularly its long-term impact, will be considered at the planning stage and sustainability will be built into all our projects.... Compliance It is our policy to comply with all legal requirements for environmental protection and to exceed such standards whenever possible.... All directors are also responsible for taking regard of the Council’s Low Carbon Management Plan in the delivery of its services and day-to-day operations.

    I agree with and undertake to pay all charges and fees set out in the leaflet List of charges and fees. 4.... I understand that, as Kingston Museum and Heritage Service may not be the owner of all the rights in the material supplied, it is my responsibility to ensure that all necessary rights to publish (including on-line publishing) or broadcasts are properly cleared in advance at my expense. 7.... I acknowledge that Kingston Museum and Heritage Service shall have no liability, however arising, from any photography, filming, reproduction, publishing (including on-line publishing) or broadcast of Kingston Museum and Heritage Service material by me and I indemnify Kingston Museum and Heritage Service in respect of all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto arising from such activities.
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    All accessioned items, loans in and out, and any other unaccessioned objects as appropriate are documented at this level... We will update all manual and computerised records as appropriate.... Where collection information is wholly computerised and managed centrally we will make backup copies of all key files, and where considered appropriate, under the council IT policy.
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    I understand that, as Kingston Heritage Service may not be the owner of all the rights in the material supplied, it is my responsibility to ensure that all necessary rights to publish (including on-line publishing) or broadcast are properly cleared in advance at my expense. 9.... I acknowledge that Kingston Heritage Service shall have no liability, however arising, from any photography, filming, reproduction, publishing (including on-line publishing) or broadcast of Kingston Heritage Service material by me and I indemnify Kingston Heritage Service in respect of all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto arising from such activities.... Kingston Heritage Service ​will treat all your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulaltions (2018).
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    I understand that, as Kingston Heritage Service may not be the owner of all the rights in the material supplied, it is my responsibility to ensure that all necessary rights to publish (including on-line publishing) or broadcast are properly cleared in advance at my expense 6.... I acknowledge that Kingston Heritage Service shall have no liability, however arising, from any photography, filming, reproduction, publishing (including on-line publishing) or broadcast of Kingston Heritage Service material by me and I indemnify Kingston Heritage Service in respect of all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto arising from such activities.... Kingston Heritage Service ​will treat all your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018).
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    All welcome!
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    Please seek the assistance of a private research service such as those listed at ​ Signed: Date: Please make all cheques payable to ‘Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames’ and send to the above address.
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    Archaeology The museum will collect only chance and casual finds from the area and from all periods of human activity.... At the end of 2014, Kingston History Centre moved premises and all items in store within the former premises were transferred to storage in Oxfordshire.... The museum will take such decisions on a case by case basis; within its legal position and taking into account all ethical implications and available guidance.