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    All KHS logos can be found on the Heritage Service Google Drive More information on using the RBK logo can be found at KHS Style and branding guidelines | Logos | pg 16 Alternative versions of the logos Logos KHS Style and branding guidelines | Logos | pg 17 Posters Learning resources Leaflets Private view invites What's On Guides Exhibition booklets Wall texts Website pages Digital platforms Email bulletins It is important that the Kingston Heritage Service brand identity is used consistently by all partners.... Backgrounds KHS Style and branding guidelines | Backgrounds | pg 21 Background colours and contrasts R:22 G:38 B:85 C:74 Y:0 M:55 K:67 Hex #162655 R:36 G:83 B:255 C:86 Y:67 M:0 K:0 Hex #2453FF R:56 G:182 B:255 C:78 Y:29 M:0 K:0 Hex #38B6FF R:175 G:210 B:65 C:17 Y:0 M:69 K:18 Hex #AFD242 R:248 G:187 B:36 C:0 Y:85 M:25 K:3 Hex #F8BB24 Core brand colours Brand palette Please always use the CMYK values for professionally printed items and either the RGB or Hex values for screen / digital.... R:99 G:81 B:226 C:50 Y:0 M:57 K:11 Hex #6351E2 R:166 G:100 B:28 C:0 Y:54 M:26 K:35 Hex #A6641C R:175 G:210 B:65 C:17 Y:0 M:69 K:18 Hex #AFD242 R:255 G:222 B:83 C:0 Y:67 M:13 K:0 Hex #FFDE53 R:255 G:138 B:211 C:0 Y:17 M:46 K:0 Hex #FF8AD3 R:248 G:187 B:36 C:0 Y:85 M:25 K:3 Hex #F8BB24 R:22 G:38 B:85 C:74 Y:0 M:55 K:67 Hex #162655 R:36 G:83 B:255 C:86 Y:67 M:0 K:0 Hex #2453FF R:56 G:182 B:255 C:78 Y:29 M:0 K:0 Hex #38B6FF R:118 G:193 B:83 C39 Y:57 M:0 K24 Hex #76C153 R:255 G:145 B:77 C:0 Y:70 M:43 K:0 Hex #FF914D KHS Style and branding guidelines | Brand palette | pg 23 Use matt inks and papers as glossy surfaces create glare.
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    The Borough Archives record that a great The stool was used to punish scolds who were paraded around the Market Place to the river where they were ducked. 10 The memorial in front of the Market House is dedicated to Henry Shrubsole, three-times Mayor of Kingston who died in office in 1880 (17).