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    Book illustration, television programme) please specify Title of publication/programme/film/other Publisher/media company/manufacturer Author/director/producer Approx. date of publication/broadcast/release Estimated resale price Language(s) Region (UK, worldwide, one country) Colour/Black and White Print Run/ Length of license Signed: Date: Form Number (office use): Terms and Conditions 1.... In addition for self-service photography 1.... Notes 1.
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    if applicable): Reference Description Format Proposed use Fee Photocopy Scan Self-service photograph (office use) Postage TOTAL: Payment Received: Signed: Date: Form Number (office use): Kingston Heritage Service Kingston History Centre, Guildhall, High Street, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1EU Telephone: 0208 547 6738 Email: Terms and Conditions 1.... In addition for self-service photography 1.... Notes 1.

    Declaration 1.... Name (in block capitals):___________________________________________________ Organisation represented:___________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Tel:____________________________ Email____________________ Signature:________________________________________ Date:_________________ Reprographics order form ______________________________________________________________________________________ Items for which copies are requested Reference Description Type of copy No of Amount due and size copies (office use only) Postage VAT Total Please ask for a continuation sheet if necessary Notes 1.
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    See Appendix 1. for the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames Statement of Environmental Policy.... Appendix 1.... Environmental Policy - Principles and Action 1.
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    Start at the Coronation Stone (1) next to the Guildhall Kingston’s Coronation Stone is in the ornate circular-railed feature on the open area to the right of the Guildhall as you face the building.... The Stone and the railings are Grade 1 monuments.... The river offered many leisure opportunities, including regattas, and Kingston is mentioned in “Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K Jerome.

    Declaration 1.
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    1 Collections Development Policy Kingston Museum Revised October 2016 2 Governing Body: Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames The governing body within the Council is the Place Directorate.... Arts Council England will be notified of any changes to the collections development policy, and the implications of any such changes for the future of collections. 1.... It will therefore be offered 14 in the first instance, by gift or sale, directly to other Accredited Museums likely to be interested in its acquisition. 16.8 If the material is not acquired by any Accredited museum to which it was offered as a gift or for sale, then the museum community at large will be advised of the intention to dispose of the material normally through a notice on the MA’s Find an Object web listing service, an announcement in the Museums Association’s Museums Journal or in other specialist publications and websites (if appropriate). 16.9 The announcement relating to gift or sale will indicate the number and nature of specimens or objects involved, and the basis on which the material will be transferred to another institution.
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  • A3 Kingston Pub Trail

    It offers not only award-winning ales but also a special selection of wines.... The Shy Horse is has been open since the 19th century, offering The Lamb is a quirky pub and community hub offering British cheese, a monthly cheese club, and even cheese art.... It offers a terrace with outdoor seating.