Road resurfacing

Find out about our planned road resurfacing work for this year.

Planned work for this year

We have planned dates for the 2024 to 2025 financial year, which may change.

We’ll confirm any work happening by posting letters to affected residents around 5 to 10 working days before the resurfacing starts. 

The proposed dates are:

  • Mill Place, 2 April - Completed
  • Blenheim Gardens, 3 and 4 April - Completed
  • Cobham Road, 5 April - Completed
  • Cambridge Road (Penrith Road to Cleveland Road), 8 April - Completed
  • Landseer Road, 9 April - Completed
  • Church Lane (Hemsby Road to Moor Lane), 10 and 11 April - Completed
  • Roebuck Road (Chantry Road to Chantry Road), 27 June - Completed
  • Elgar Avenue (Raeburn Avenue to Highfield Road), 2 July - Completed
  • Stormont Way (Hereford Way to Woodgate Avenue), 3 July - Completed
  • Richmond Road (Tudor Drive to Durlston Road), 8 to 10 July - works on 8th July have been postponed due to inclement weather and have been rescheduled for the evening of Friday 12 July into the morning of Saturday 13 July - Completed
  • Claremont Gardens, 5 August - Completed
  • Langley Road (Oak Hill Crescent to Upper Brighton Road), 6 August - Completed
  • Surbiton Hill Park (The Roystons to 52 Surbiton Hill Park), 7 and 8 August - Completed
  • North Parade, night of 11 September - Completed
  • Warren Drive North, night of 12 and 13 September - Completed
  • Old London Road, night of 16 September - Completed
  • Princes Avenue (Hook Rise North to Hamilton Avenue), 19 and 20 September - Completed
  • Gilders Road (roundabout between Stokesby Road and Filby Road), 30 October - Completed
  • Stokesby Road, 30 and 31 October - Completed
  • Paragon Grove, 21 November - Completed
  • Villiers Road (Lower Marsh Lane to Hogsmill Lane) (to be scheduled)
  • Thetford Road (South Lane to Westbury Road) (to be scheduled)

More dates will be added as they are agreed.

What happens on the day

Work usually takes place between 8am and 5pm. 

Sometimes we have to do work at night due to constraints in the location. If we need to do this, we’ll let affected residents know separately and tell you anything you need to do to prepare.

Parking and driving on the road during work

Before work starts, we’ll ask you not to park on the highway within the active working area. We’ll put signs up to tell you where the specific area is. 

You will not be able to park on-street or access the area during the resurfacing. 


There might be brief periods when you cannot access your house or business. We’ll keep this to a minimum, and our crew will tell you before any restrictions.


If you have a delivery or something similar on the day work is taking place, tell one of the crew on site and they should be able to help you.

If we’ve moved your vehicle

We may have to move your vehicle if it’s in the working area when our crew starts.

If possible, we’ll move it somewhere within sight of where it was parked originally. If we have to move it further and you cannot find it, speak to the crew on site or call the contact centre.

Missing road markings

We may have been unable to do line marking if it was raining or the road surface was wet. We’ll add road markings as soon as we can.

If the surface is dry and a road marking is missing, tell us and we’ll fix it.

Heavy rain

Tarmac can be laid in light rain and on a damp surface. However, if there is heavy rain and standing water on the roads, sometimes we’ll have to pause work or stop for the day if it looks like it will not clear.

Hot weather

If the weather is really warm, it prevents the tarmac from cooling down enough to be driven on. We might extend road closures until 7pm to allow the material to set more before we reopen the road.

How we decide which roads to resurface

Once a year, we carry out visual and AI-based inspections to assess the condition of road surfaces. 

We’ll also consider other factors like:

  • how much it’s used
  • trip generators
  • whether it’s on a bus route
  • whether it’s a through route

This helps us prioritise which roads are most important to be resurfaced using our available budget. 

We use this information alongside other data and factors to decide which roads will be part of our planned maintenance programme.

We also try to target and complete specific areas before considering other areas. For example, we may prioritise several bad roads within a specific area instead of one road somewhere else.

We look at around 850 to 950 roads every year, which is the majority of the borough’s roads. These surveys and inspections help shape the reports taken to Committee for the following year's programmes.

Preventing utility company streetworks

We’ll try and restrict utility companies from carrying out streetworks on roads we’ve resurfaced for up to 2 years after we’ve completed resurfacing work. These are known as Section 58 notices.

This is subject to the limits of the legislation of the Section 58 notices and the nature of any works put forward by utility companies. 

This is something we do with all our planned maintenance works to try and prolong their life by minimising third party works where possible.

Last Modified: 28/11/2024 10:56:20