Traffic Management Orders
What is a Traffic Management Order (TMO)?
- Traffic Management Orders (TMOs) are legal documents drafted and made by the council, usually under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
- They regulate the use of highways for movement and parking and also off street parking areas within the borough by drivers of vehicles and/or pedestrians.
How we get your views
- We consult on proposals to make Permanent Orders with the emergency services, other statutory bodies and the general public who can make representations / objections.
- Our TMOs are published in the Surrey Comet and the London Gazette and if the council feels additional publicity is needed they can choose to erect notices on lamp columns in the roads to which any TMO proposal refers.
If you wish to submit an objection or comment on a draft TMO proposal, please send this in writing to the Director of Corporate and Communities, Traffic Order Section before the consultation end date (usually 21 days after the publishing of the public notice).
View our open TMOs currently out for public consultation
Current statutory consultations
For information only: certain orders and notices are advertised as ‘for information only’ and are not subject to the statutory consultation process e.g. Temporary, Special Event, Pedestrian Crossings and therefore comments will not be able to be made
After consultations are complete, we have up to two years to decide on whether to implement a TMO or not. During this time the TMO's status is described as 'unmade'
View our unmade TMOs currently awaiting a decision
Made traffic management orders
TMOs that have been implemented are described as 'made' and are currently enforceable.
Traffic management orders
Submit an objection to a proposed traffic management order.