Local Plan
Evidence base and supporting information
The policies of the Local Plan must be based on robust and credible evidence in order for it to be considered 'sound'. The council has developed an evidence base to inform the Local Plan, though this is not an exhaustive list as we will take account of all relevant evidence as and when it is published during its production.
In addition to the above, data is used from a range of other sources and data sets such as the London Datastore (Greater London Authority), the Office for National Statistics, Historic England, and Greenspace Information for London to inform our work.
The following is a mix of external links and downloads (PDF). If you have any questions about the Local Plan evidence base, or if you have any problems accessing the documents below, please email the Spatial Planning Team at localplan@kingston.gov.uk.
Spatial Strategy
Climate change
- Air Quality Action Plan for Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
- Climate Change and Sustainability Communication and Engagement Strategy
- Energy Master Plan Final Report for Kingston
- Kingston Decentralised Energy Network
- Local Flood Risk Management Strategy - Action Plan
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessments of Kingston
- Surface Water Management Plan
- Air Quality Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (Kingston Clinical Commissioning Group)
Design and Heritage*
- Borough Character Study 2011
- Park Road Conservation Area - Character Appraisal and Management Strategy Programme
- Kingston Town Centre, Historic Area Study (2016 interim report) (Historic England on behalf of Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames)
- Kingston Views Study Report 2018
*Please note we will be publishing revised Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans for each of the borough's Conservation Areas in due course.
Housing Delivery
- Affordable Housing Viability Study
- Affordable Rent Appraisal Results
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Kingston upon Thames and North East Surrey Authorities (Cobweb Consulting, 2016)
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment for Kingston upon Thames and North East Surrey Authorities - Annex 4 Local authority profiles (Cobweb Consulting, 2016)
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (Feb 2023)
- Whole Plan Viability Assessment (Dec 2023)
- Local Housing Needs Assessment 2024
Economy and Town centres
- Economic Analysis Study
- Economic Baseline
- Economic Growth and Development Strategy 2018-2025
- Employment Land Review
- Kingston Old Town Conservation Area - Public Realm Enhancement Strategy
- Kingston Town Centre - Historic Area Study
- Kingston Town Centre Movement Strategy
- Local Centres Study (Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, 2009)
- Town Centre Study 2013
Social and community infrastructure
- Active and Supportive Communities Strategy 2015-2020
- Annual Public Health Report
- Children and Young People's Plan 2017-2020
- Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames)
- Estate Vision (Kingston University)
- Gypsies and Travellers Accommodation Needs Assessment
- Indoor Sports and Leisure Facility Strategy
- Kingston Estate Strategy (Clinical Commissioning Group)
- Kingston Upon Thames Health Profiles
- Playing Pitch Strategy
- Cultural Strategy for Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (Shared Intelligence on behalf of Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames)
- Kingston Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2019 (Kingston Health and Wellbeing Board)
- School Places Planning Strategy (Achieving for Children)
Natural Environment
- Allotment Strategy 2015-2021
- Good Practice Guide - Biodiversity & the Development Process In Kingston upon Thames
- Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land Assessment
- Green Spaces Strategy
- Nature Conservation in Kingston upon Thames - Ecology Handbook 18
- Open Space Assessment for Kingston
- Review of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
- Kingston Transport Study (ARUP on behalf of The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, 2018)
- Transport Plan for Kingston 2nd LIP (Local Implementation Plan) 2011-2031
- Local Implementation Plan 3 (Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames)
- Parking Study for Kingston Town Centre - Final Report (April 2022)