Article 4 Directions
Article 4 Direction at Seething Wells Filter Beds
Kingston Council is using its planning powers to protect Seething Wells Filter Beds in Surbiton from potential harm to local biodiversity. The site, which is a Site of Borough Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), represents a unique habitat within the borough. The site is of particular importance to wintering wildfowl and bat populations.
A mechanism called an Article 4 Direction has been introduced which removes the ability to erect fencing, gates and other means of enclosure on the site without planning permission. This is a specific and targeted Article 4 Direction that has been introduced in response to an application to confirm if the erection of fencing at Seething Wells Filter Beds is permitted development.
The Council's Culture, Housing, Environment and Planning (CHEP) Committee on Wednesday 17th March 2021 approved the confirmation of the Article 4 Direction. The Council confirmed the Article 4 Direction on Wednesday 14th April 2021 which makes the Article 4 Direction permanent.
A copy of the Direction and a map showing the land to which it relates is available below:
Public Consultation
A public consultation took place for a period of six weeks from Thursday 5th November 2020 and ending at 5pm on Friday 18th December 2020. Further information about the consultation is available on the Kingston: Let's Talk consultation portal webpage.
If you require any of these documents in a more accessible format, please contact or call 020 8547 5000.