Annual Governance Statement Cycle
The Annual Governance Statement (AGS) is published every June, following a process of assessment and challenge of our corporate governance arrangements against the Local Code of Governance.
An action plan is put in place to address any areas of relative weakness identified in the AGS process. This is monitored and updated throughout the year, leading up to the next year's issue of the AGS.
- Plan
Internal Audit, the Corporate Governance team and senior management consider what assurance is needed to demonstrate we have met the principles of the Local Code of Governance. - Collect
Staff and members work together to collect evidence in the form of committee reports, audit reports, annual accounts and performance reports. - Review
Internal Audit, the Corporate Governance team and senior managers review and challenge the sources of assurance to decide if they are adequate. - Annual Government Statement published
The AGS is published and presented to the Audit Committee and Policy and Resources Committee. Action plans are created where areas of relative weakness have been identified. - Action plans
Progress against action plans is monitored throughout the year by the Strategic Leadership Team and the Audit Committee to drive continuous improvement