Appeal a decision about your financial assessment

There is a process to follow if you disagree with the outcome of your financial assessment.

If you want to complain or give feedback about something else, follow our corporate complaints procedure.

1. Ask us to reconsider the decision 

You can ask for your financial assessment to be looked at by a different finance officer. This is usually the Team Manager.  

They will check the original assessment and make sure that it has been done correctly. If you have any new information to include, they will also take that into account.

To ask us to reconsider a decision, you will need to write to us. In your letter, you will need to tell us why you think our decision was wrong. If you have any new information to provide, you will need to include this too. 

They will write to you with their decision. It usually takes 10 working days. 

2. Make an appeal 

If we’ve reconsidered your assessment decision and you are still unhappy, you can make an appeal. 

Your appeal will go to the Finance Inclusion Assessment Manager and the Adult Social Care Service Manager. Together, they will check that your assessment has been completed correctly and legally. 

This could take up to 28 days. They will write to you with their final decision. 

To make an appeal, email us using, or write to us at:

Adult Social Care Finance Team

Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames 

Guildhall 2



3. Contact the local government ombudsman

If you are still unhappy after a review and an appeal, you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman

What happens afterwards

If we decide that you should pay a different weekly charge after a review or appeal, the difference will be backdated. We will refund any overpayments. 

You will continue to be charged the assessed amount during the review and appeal process. 

Last Modified: 30/05/2024 11:32:02