How to pay for parking

Move to cashless parking

Kingston Council, like many other local authorities, has moved towards away from pay and display towards cashless and paperless parking payment.  

Parking machines in Kingston have been cashless since April 2021. Following our engagement and consultation process it was agreed in May 2023 that 183 ageing pay and display machines will be removed. This will be completed by June 2024. Kingston Council is set to save £1.8million on the cost of replacing ageing pay and display machines which have reached their end of life. 

Why did you remove the Pay & Display machines?

The Pay & Display machines in the borough were reaching the end of their operational life, which means they are more likely to break down and are expensive to maintain. By removing them, the council avoided the cost of replacing them with new machines, which would cost in the region of £1.8m, as well as £150,000 a year in maintenance costs. 

What was the process for removing the old pay and display method?

We switched off and covered over the Pay & Display machines in phases across the borough between August and December 2023. Prior to this happening in each area there was a two week warning period with warning signs in place to notify when Pay & Display would no longer be available. 

Information on the methods to pay and nearest PayPoint location was signposted at the site of the machine. We have run a public information campaign to highlight the three ways to pay and drop in sessions to support customers with questions about the change over at libraries across the borough. The physical removal of the machines took place in April-May 2024. 

What will you do with the savings?

Savings made from not replacing our ageing Pay & Display machines will help fund highways, parking and transport projects which focus on creating cleaner, greener, healthier and safer neighbourhoods for current and future generations to thrive in. 

How do I now pay for parking without Pay & Display machines?

There are three ways you can pay for parking

  • by downloading on your phone the free RingGo App via and paying by card

  • by phoning RingGo on 0207 125 0044 or by texting 81025 paying by card

  • by visiting the nearest PayPoint convenience store to the parking location and pay by cash or card.

Will there be any places where Pay & Display parking is still available?

No, pay on foot paystation machines remain in place at The Rose, The Bittoms and The Cattle Market car parks, where you are welcome to pay by cash or card, but you will not receive a ticket to display in your vehicle. These are being enforced with ANPR technology.   

Do I have to pay to use the RingGo app?

The RingGo App is free to download, you just pay for your parking session and a convenience fee (10p) for each transaction. There is no admin fee to use RingGo in Kingston. There is a cost for a text summary or text reminder which costs the customer 20p per text, however these are optional and text message notifications can be switched off in the RingGo App settings.

When was a convenience fee added?

When cashless parking was introduced to the borough Kingston Council initially paid the parking app convenience fees added by RingGo to each transaction on behalf of our customers. The financial pressures across local government mean we must prioritise spending to protect essential services and our most vulnerable residents. Passing on the convenience fee to customers from 1 January 2025 enables us to make a saving on the administration of parking services and brings us into alignment with most other councils.  

How will the parking enforcement officers know that my parking has been paid for without a ticket on display?

The parking enforcement officers have access to the RingGo system where they will be notified of your vehicle, the location and whether payment has been made for parking.

How do I set up the RingGo App on my mobile phone?

First, register with RingGo
You can register for RingGo by:

To register you will need:

  • the registration number of your vehicle. It will come up with the make and colour of your vehicle to check which vehicle you are registering to park.

  • your payment card details

  • your contact details.

How can I pay without a smartphone?

If you don’t have a smartphone and are therefore unable to download the RingGo App on your phone device, please have your parking location code ready and you can:

  • call RingGo on 0207 125 0044 and pay by card. You will need to have registered with RingGo to use this option (which can be done on their website)

  • You can send a text message (SMS) from your mobile phone to 81025. See RingGo Text to Park for more information.
    You will receive a text confirming whether or not you have successfully paid to park. Text message fees in Kingston cost 10p per text which will be added to your parking charges from RingGo. 

  • You can pay at the nearest PayPoint shop and pay with cash or by card.  You can look up PayPoint shops here or send a text message (charged at 15p) to have the nearest PayPoint sent to your phone. Send the message ‘Shop RingGo’ followed by the six digit parking location number to 81025. 

Pay and Display machines will remain in place at The Rose, The Bittoms and The Cattle Market car parks, where you are welcome to pay by cash or card. 

How close to the parking machine are the PayPoint locations where I can pay for parking?

There are currently 53 PayPoint locations who can accept parking payments across the borough. All PayPoint locations are within a short walking distance. 

PayPoint customers don't have to go back to their car after paying and payment is automatically visible in the RingGo parking system.

How do I opt out of extra charges?

When parking via RingGo you have the option to receive text message confirmations and reminders of your session expiry.
To opt out of receiving these messages login into your account on the desktop website and click on Parking Notifications on the left-hand side. You can select or deselect what you would like to receive from the SMS setting list. 

What if I can’t pay for my parking session because of no phone signal or for any other reason?

We have tested phone signal strength at all of the parking  locations in the borough and are confident that this shouldn’t be an issue for customers paying on the RingGo App or by calling the RingGo number.  

However we do recommend that you have registered for and downloaded the RingGo App before you travel to park.

You can also pay by cash or card at any PayPoint location across the borough.  

If your parking session hasn’t for any reason been registered with RingGo, you may receive a Penalty Charge Notice. 

If there is a genuine reason that payment could not be made, you are entitled to challenge your PCN. More information on paying or appealing challenging a PCN  is on our website. 

Will Blue Badge parking be affected?

Nothing changes for Blue Badge holders. Parking continues to be free if you display your valid badge whilst parked in a Controlled Parking Zone, Parking Permit Area, council car park or disabled parking spaces (unless signs in those locations specify a limited time allowed in the bay).

How can I get receipts for parking from RingGo?

1. On the RingGo App.  If you made the parking payment using the RingGo App, you can typically find your receipt within the App itself. Open the App, go to your account or transaction history section, and look for the specific parking session. There, you should find an option to view or download the receipt.
2. Via the RingGo website.  If you made the payment through RingGo's website, log in to your RingGo account. Navigate to the transaction history or account settings section, where you should find the option to view and download your receipts for past parking sessions.
3. Customer Support.  If you cannot locate your receipt through your account on the RingGo App or website, or if you encounter any issues, you can contact RingGo's customer support. 

I’ve heard about scams operated through smartphone payments, how can I stay safe?

We are aware that scammers are targeting smartphone parking payments in other London boroughs. The scammers are displaying fake QR codes on parking signage that link to a fake Pay-by-Phone website. Our RingGo parking payment service has no QR code access option. You can ensure your payment is legitimate by downloading the RingGo app from your usual app store. When you use a smartphone to pay, open the RingGo app and use the numeric 6 digit location code to ensure you make the correct payment for your parking. 

Last Modified: 06/03/2025 14:37:52