Parking suspensions and dispensations

Apply for a dispensation

About dispensations

Examples:  loading or unloading for more than 30 minutes on a single yellow line; parking a vehicle with machinery connected to it outside your premises; 

  • A dispensation or waiver is applied for through a permit account and once the dispensation is active, it is then a virtual permit which covers the Vehicle Registration Number specified in the application.
  • It permits one vehicle to wait on a single yellow line or parking bay for longer than the maximum stay. 

Dispensation fees

  • Funerals and Weddings - up to six dispensations are free. To arrange this please contact our contact centre during opening hours.

For all other dispensations:

  • £30 a day per vehicle (regardless of size) - Issued with more than 1 week notice.
  • £45 a day per vehicle (regardless of size)  - Issued with less than 1 week notice

Apply for a dispensation

  • You must apply for a dispensation via your online permit acount. The dispensation permit is located in the 'Apply for a non zone related permit'. You will then be able to  select the relevant dispensation type in the permit category menu.
  • You should apply at least three working days before the dispensation is required, although we can issue them immediately for emergencies.  Dispensations will not normally be granted where there are loading restrictions or in clearways.
  • To advise us of the exact location you require the suspension to be applied, first select the street from the drop down menu and then select the type of bay you wish to park in.
  • Only the bays available to park in will be displayed. After selecting the bay, you then need to provide the reason for the dispensation in the comment box provided.
  • You will then need to specify how many car lengths the dispensation is to cover. We count a space as a car length of between 4.5 to five metres.

Apply for a dispensation

Problems or errors

  • If a dispensation hasn’t been issued correctly, contact us and we can amend the mistake. 
  • If however you have provided the incorrect details, you may be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice if the dispensation does not correctly cover the vehicle parked.

Last Modified: 10/01/2025 12:27:22