Kingston Charitable Foundation established to support community projects

Kingston Charitable Foundation

Love Kingston, formerly part of Kingston Voluntary Action, recently achieved independent charitable status, establishing the Kingston Charitable Foundation.

The Kingston Charitable Foundation will build on the reputation and heritage of Love Kingston, which has raised funds for - and given out £116,000 in grants to - 53 organisations over the last eight years.

The Foundation will officially launch on 14 February 2021, with some exciting online activities such as a virtual balloon race, pizza night and art workshop which they would love you to join. Please see below for the event schedule or visit the website.

Launch Party

"Stomp Style" Percussion Party with Rockstar Activator Tom Morely.

Sunday 14 February, 6.30 - 7.30 pm

Meet The Trustees

Our new Board of Trustees would love to tell you about our hopes and ambitions for Kingston.

Monday 15 February, 6 -7 pm

Shrove Tuesday Yoga

Joanna Blundell Yoga for digestion. The session includes recipes, a story, and gentle yoga.

Tuesday 16 February, 6-7 pm

Pizza Night

Make your own pizzas with a free pizza making kit and share the experience with us to win a prize from Orindi Deli

Kits are available Sunday 14 February - Wednesday 17 February, when the winner will be announced

'Create Joy' Family Art Workshop

Join Collective Arts for a virtual creative workshop where we will be lifting your spirits and creating some (well-needed) joy.

Thursday 18 February, 10 -11 am

Comedy Outside the Box

Top comedians Maff Brown, Adam Bloom, Ria Lina and Danny Buckler are to name just a few of the names performing in this online charity fundraiser gig, tickets are £6 +60p booking fee

Thursday 18 February 8 pm

Big Virtual Quiz Night

Need to feel like you have had a night out? Quiz host Jonathan Hughes will provide that weekend feeling.

Prize - a £50 gift voucher for Woody's Bar

Friday 19 February, 7.30 pm

Virtual Balloon Race

You can customize a balloon with your friends and family and all watch to see who will win the cash prize!

Race day launch Friday 19 February, race results announced 1st March

The Foundation will also be launching an Urgent COVID-19 Appeal and will be awarding three grants of £500 in March to help small charities that are supporting people in need. Charities are invited to apply for these grants by requesting an application form from:

Published: 11th February 2021