Residents to pick locations for new trees across the borough

Kingston Council is set to plant 450 new trees this winter, and residents are invited to suggest suitable places where they could be planted.
The winter tree planting programme is an annual initiative which aims to boost biodiversity, while safeguarding the borough's natural surroundings. Residents have the opportunity to pick up to three planting spots from a list of available locations and our dedicated tree officers will then try to choose at least one location from each response.
The different tree species chosen for this year's planting are both highly suited to the conditions of the borough and complementary to our local wildlife.
Residents can suggest planting locations via our online engagement platform page and have until 28 October to do so.
Councillor Ian Manders, Portfolio Holder for Climate Action and Sustainable Transport said:
“Tree planting is just one of the ways that we can improve the local environment and help make a greener borough, together. It is part of our wider commitment to tackling climate change and improving biodiversity.”