Council and communities work together to improve cycle routes in Kingston

Kingston Road cycle route
Kingston Road cycle route

Kingston Council is committed to supporting cycling as an attractive, safe and enjoyable way to travel around the borough.

As part of this commitment a number of improvements are set to be made to routes thanks to feedback from local residents and local organisations.

Last year, the council asked for thoughts on what effective improvements could be made to the Kingston to New Malden and Ewell Road cycle routes, with over 900 responses shared. Parts of the cycle routes are yet to be completed. A road safety expert was also commissioned to review the routes.

The local feedback and road safety audit helped inform several minor design improvements which are due to be installed later this year, including improved signage and road markings. We are also looking to complete more substantial improvements for road users like signal controls and crossing upgrades. 

Sustainable transport initiatives are installed in partnership with Transport for London, which is a significant funder. The council expects a further announcement from TfL on its continuing investment in Kingston’s cycle network in the near future. 

Cllr Ian Manders, Portfolio Holder for Climate Action & Sustainable Transport, said: 

“Our neighbourhoods are where we call home - where we spend time with family and friends, live and, increasingly, work. We are working closely with communities to complete and improve the Kingston to New Malden and Ewell Road cycle routes, ensuring that travelling around our borough is a safe choice for all.” 

This series of cycle route improvements is part of plans to further enhance our neighbourhoods, creating cleaner, greener and healthier places for current and future generations to thrive in. Kingston was also recently awarded £1.4m in Transport for London funding to invest in the borough’s sustainable transport offer, create safer streets and improve air quality through schemes. This includes implementing a 20mph speed limit on residential roads, a boosted cycle training initiative and a programme of local projects to improve travel choices and access. 

Published: 9th June 2023