Partnership between Kingston Council and Countryside Properties wins Best Community Engagement at prestigious industry awards ceremony
![Kingston Council and Countryside team at the Building London Planning Awards 2022](/images/CREAward.jpeg)
Kingston Council’s joint venture with Countryside Properties has won Best Community Engagement Outcomes for its work with residents of the Cambridge Road Estate at the Building London Planning Awards.
Now in its 18th year, the Building London Planning Awards celebrates and champions outstanding town planning and creative development from across London’s built environment sector. Organised by BusinessLDN, in partnership with the Mayor of London, entries were looked over by a judging panel from The Greater London Authority, the RTPI, Planning Officer’s Society, The BAME Planners Network, and BusinessLDN itself.
The judges recognised the partnership’s accessible and flexible approach to engagement opportunities, achieving good local awareness, and building community support for the estate-wide regeneration project. The partnership demonstrated its core objective of putting the estate’s diverse residents at the heart of plans for their neighbourhood. Harnessing the community’s energy and expertise helped shape the ambitious plans to deliver the 2,170 new homes, including around 940 ‘affordable’ properties, green spaces, play areas, safer streets and neighbourhoods.
With over 46 languages spoken on the estate, 37% of adults with English as their second language, 1,420 adult residents reported long-term health problems or disability, 328 residents reporting that disabilities limit them, and 26% of the community made up of children and young people aged 0 to 15, the team has worked hard to deliver a programme to draw on this diverse expertise.
In visiting the estate earlier this year, judges saw first-hand exhibition space and outreach materials, designs and models, mock rooms and even an interactive virtual tour. Importantly, the visit also presented an opportunity to meet residents and learn from their perspective how the team has listened to resident and stakeholder views and how these ideas and aspirations have been incorporated in the plans.
The regeneration programme at the Cambridge Road Estate is progressing with preparations underway for Phase 1 construction expected to begin in 2022. The now award- winning partnership is passionate about working with residents and partners to create a place to live, enjoy and be proud of — this award is as much about the approach and care taken in involving the community as it is about the time, energy and thoughtful input of our residents.