Kingston Council launches programme to promote skills and employment in the borough

Work Match is a free programme to help unemployed residents in Kingston secure new jobs, apprenticeships and training roles.

The service is free for residents, providing them with necessary skills and support, and engaging businesses and employers across the borough.

The Work Match team supports candidates through the application process - including help with creating CVs and interview skills - to give them the best chance of success. They will also help local people find any pre-job training and support their needs to get ready for the workplace.

The service works closely with JobCentre Plus, community organisations, local colleges and schools to provide a joined-up support network. The council is purchasing this service from Wandsworth Council, who operate a highly successful job brokerage scheme that has supported over 1,500 local people to find employment.

Cllr John Sweeney, Portfolio Holder for Business and Leisure at Kingston Council, said:

“We’ve all felt the impact of COVID-19. Kingston Council, along with partners, community and voluntary groups across Kingston, are working hard to provide support for our residents and businesses. 

“According to the council’s recent COVID-19 impact survey, completed by almost 900 residents during August and September, more than half said they were concerned about employment opportunities.

“Whether they have been negatively affected financially by the pandemic, have become unemployed, had their hours reduced because of COVID-19, or are worried about that happening in the future, we want to make sure that all our residents can get the support they need during this difficult and uncertain time.”

In addition to support for residents, Work Match offers local businesses a free, professional and tailored recruitment service, matching them with local candidates. 

This service is one of a number of initiatives Kingston Council is currently undertaking to boost to protect the economic sectors that contribute to the borough's economic productivity, and mitigate high rates of unemployment and low trade caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, through meaningful interventions and actions. On 28 May 2020, the Council’s Response & Recovery Committee supported the establishment of a new ‘Economic Recovery Task Force’ as part of the emergency response to adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which focuses on COVID-19 business recovery and support measures, skills and employment support initiatives as well as targeted mitigation/investment for recovery. 

You can find more details by visiting

Published: 2nd November 2020