Notice of Proposed Disposal: Shiraz Mirza Community Hall

The Council has received a notice of proposed disposal of Shiraz Mirza Community Hall.

Notice of Proposed Disposal

Shiraz Mirza Community Hall
76a Coombe Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7AZ


Date received: 22 January 2019
Nominating organisation: Shiraz Mirza Community Hall Trust
Current use: Community hall Decision date: 18 March 2019
Decision: Approved
Listing expiry date (five years after listing): 18 March 2024

The Council has received a notice of proposed disposal.

During the interim moratorium period, a community interest group may give written notice to the local authority that it wants to be treated as a potential bidder in relation to the land.

There is no requirement on how this request should be expressed, but it must be made in writing.If no request is made by a community interest group within the six-week interim moratorium period, the owner is free to dispose of the land at the end of the six-week period, and no further moratorium will apply for the duration of the protected period.

If a community interest group makes a written request to be treated as a bidder for the listed land, the local authority must inform the owner that this request has been received and that the full six-month moratorium period will operate.

Notice received: 1 October 2020
Last day of Interim Moratorium Period: 11 November 2020
Last day of Full Moratorium Period: 31 March 2021
Last day of Protected Period: 31 March 2022

For more information email:

Published: 22nd October 2020