KMS Latest News and Opportunities

Summer Opportunities

Summer Music Course for 6-11 year olds

Free Music Teach course for 14-16 year olds

KMS Summer Concerts


All KMS vacancies can be found on our recruitment site. Tutor vacancies will also be advertised on the Music Mark jobs site.

Application Portal

The KMS application portal is now live - make an application for music lessons, clubs or activities.

Instrumental lessons waiting time

We are oversubscribed for lessons in many schools and most music centres - particularly for piano, guitar, drums and violin.

When lesson slots become available we are offering them out but for many instruments and teaching locations there are significant waiting times at the moment. Some centres and schools are at capacity so you will be waiting for a current student to leave before gaining a place.

Many of our ensembles are available to book without a waiting list for those students in the right age group and you can find the times and locations listed on the right-hand side of our application portal page when you follow the link above.

Updated 25/06/24


The follow pages list music opportunities for students in the brorough:

Ensembles availble - ensemble search page

Singing opportunuties availble - singing/musical theatre page

Early Years classes - early years music page

Adult Choirs - Adult singing page

PLEASE NOTE: KMS is unable to guarantee the quality of the above opportunities.

A more comprehensive list can be found on our Music in Kingston site.

Last Modified: 25/06/2024 10:56:35