Street trading licences

Pavement licence

A pavement licence allows cafes, pubs, bars or restaurants to place tables, chairs and other removable furniture on a public pavement outside their premises. 

Apply for a new pavement licence

Under the Business and Planning Act 2020 you can apply for a Pavement Licence to use some of the space outside your premises to provide more seats for customers who wish to consume food and drink. Planning permission is not required for a pavement licence however all items placed on the highway must be removed at the end of each day.

Pavement licence terms

The pavement licence costs £500. You need to pay when you apply.  

If we grant you a licence, it will be subject to our standard terms and conditions. A licence, if granted, must: 

  • make sure furniture does not obstruct the pavement or road 
  • have a minimum passing width of 1.5m (2m is preferable)
  • not stop access for essential work to take place, for example, work by water, gas, electricity or communications networks 
  • make sure there is enough space for non-smokers
Furniture cannot cause an obstruction or pose a danger, so we may need to introduce other conditions to make sure your pavement licence does not cause problems for local businesses and the community.

How to apply 

Before you apply, make sure you have the following supporting documents: 

  • evidence of public liability insurance for a minimum of £5 million
  • location details
  • a site plan to scale
  • images of the furniture you want to place outside your premises

Apply online

What happens next 

There is a 14-day public consultation starting the day after you apply. This involves displaying a notice in the window of your premises advertising your application.

If an objection is received, the Council has a further 14 days to determine your application. 

We will let you know the Council's decision at the end of that determination period. Your licence will be deemed granted if we do not contact you by the end of that time.

There is no right of appeal if we refuse to grant a licence. 

Existing tables and chairs permits

Due to changes in legislation, premises with an existing tables and chairs permit issued under the Highways Act 1980 must now convert their permit to a pavement licence.

If your premises benefited from a tables and chairs permit, you should have received an invoice for the amount of £350. Payment of the invoice indicates that you wish to continue placing tables and chairs on the pavement. Once payment is received, an officer will make contact with you in relation to providing a site plan, so that a pavement licence can be issued to you.

Renew a pavement licence

If your pavement licence is due to expire, you can use our online form to renew and pay for a new one. A renewal costs £350.

There is a 14-day public consultation starting the day after you apply. This involves displaying a notice in the window of your premises advertising your application. 

If we receive an objection, we have another 14 days to decide. If granted, the renewed licence will remain valid for 12 months.

You must apply for a new licence if you want to make changes. This includes changing:  

  • area you want licensed
  • hours you want to use the area 
  • type of furniture, or adding more
  • name or address of the licence holder

Renew your licence 

Current applications

When businesses apply for a pavement licence, the application will appear below during the 14-day consultation period. 

Name: Busaba Eathai
Address: 4 Riverside Walk, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1QN
Type of application: New Pavement Licence application
Deadline for representations: 20 March 2025

Last Modified: 07/03/2025 10:01:44


Address: Guildhall 2
High Street
Kingston upon Thames

Telephone: 0208 547 5080