Keeping yourself safe as someone with a learning disability
Who to tell if something is worrying you, and help to keep yourself safe if you have a learning disability.
If you are hurt or upset
If you are:
- bullied or picked on
- hurt or hit
- made to feel unsafe or scared
- made to do something you do not want to do, or you are afraid to say no to someone
Tell someone you trust. Do it straight away.
Tell a professional
You can:
- phone 999 if it's an emergency and you need help right now
- call 020 8547 6558 to tell the Community Learning Disability Team
- report it to us using a form so we can investigate
Mate crime and cuckooing
Mate crime is when someone says they are your friend, but they do things that take advantage of you like ask you for money a lot. Find out more about mate crime on Mencap.
Cuckooing is when someone you think is your friend uses your home to make, buy or sell drugs.
Both are crimes, and you can report them to the police to help you.
Learn about keeping safe
If you want to learn more about keeping safe when out and about, we run a group to learn about personal safety.
Email the Community Learning Disability Team using to find out more.
Fire safety
It’s important to make sure your home is as safe as possible from the risk of fire. You can get a home fire safety visit from the London Fire Brigade to give you advice, and even fit free smoke alarms if you need them.