Help with meals and shopping

Local services and online supermarkets that can help you get out to buy things or get food delivered to your house.

Support if you’re shopping in town

If you find it difficult to move around and want to do your own shopping in town, you can hire a scooter or powered wheelchair from Kingston Shopmobility Service. You can find them at Level 2 of the Eden Walk Shopping Centre multi-storey car park.

You do not need to be registered as disabled (have a blue badge) or receive disability benefits to use this service, but you will have to pay a hire fee.

To make a booking, call 020 8547 1255 or email with details of when you want to book a scooter or powered wheelchair. You’ll need to book at least a day in advance.

Get help with your shopping

Connect with a community helper

If you're struggling with shopping due to mobility, health issues, or other challenges, a community connector can help you with shopping

They aim to improve your quality of life by connecting you with local services and groups, some of which offer shopping assistance. This support makes shopping less stressful and helps you stay independent and well.

Connected Kingston support services

Learn more about local services near you that can help you with shopping.

Shopping for groceries over the phone

If you cannot get out to do your grocery shopping, you might be able to order your groceries over the phone from local supermarkets and have them delivered to you. This service is called assisted shopping.

You can ask the Alfriston Outreach Service to shop at Sainsbury's for you. Give them your shopping list, and they’ll deliver your groceries to your doorstep within 48 hours. There is a charge for this service.

If you need a meal delivery service

Kingston Council does not offer a meals on wheels service. You can contact several companies that offer a range of meal delivery options including a hot food service.

Companies that can deliver meals to you

You can contact:

Where to get hot food in Kingston

You can go to:

If you prefer to prepare meals at home, learn about healthy and budget-friendly recipes you can make.

Eating on a budget

Managing food costs is important for a healthy diet. For tips on budget-friendly eating, you can contact Money Helper to get advice on eating on a budget.

Getting emergency food

If you’re experiencing difficulty with money and cannot buy food, you can get food from a foodbank.

You need a referral from a local organisation to receive a voucher for a food bank. To request a referral, talk to:

Trussell Trust provides a minimum of 3 days of emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK.

Last Modified: 14/05/2024 14:28:53