Find the right support to live independently at home

Information about services to help you around the house, with your health condition, or with your daily routine.

Help with personal tasks and daily routines

You can arrange for someone to visit you at home to help you with daily tasks and looking after yourself and your home. 

To help you find the right home care for you, you can:

Getting around 

If you need help getting out and about, find out about accessible transport services in Kingston.

Help with shopping, home repairs, and community connection

There’s help from our partners if you need someone to help you with shopping, small repairs around the house or someone to keep you connected with your community.

Help with food shopping and cooking

You can get help with meals, shopping and cooking from some of our partners, or check Connected Kingston’s list of organisations to help you shop and prepare food.

Alfriston Outreach Service

Alfriston Outreach Service offers help for living independently. You might be able to get help with food shopping, laundry, hot lunch delivery, key safe installation, and free NHS hearing aid batteries and prescription deliveries. 

They're quite busy, so it might be good to check their availability by calling them on 020 8399 4289.

Milaap multicultural day centre

Milaap multicultural day centre offers activities, exercise classes, meal options and lunch clubs that reflect the rich multicultural diversity of Kingston.


With Staywell's help at home service, you might be able to:

Community connectors

Visit your GP to get a referral to a community connector. Community connectors work with your GP to help you with non-medical issues affecting your health and wellbeing. They can also help you connect with local activities and community groups.

If you need specialised care for health conditions

If you have complex conditions and need support at home, you might be able to get a referral to a community nursing team. Speak to Kingston’s partner, Your Healthcare, about your needs by calling them on 020 8339 8000.

If you need live-in care support

Search the internet or have a look at Connected Kingston for live-in care service providers.

Get care from Shared Lives

The Kingston Shared Lives scheme pairs you with someone who can offer you care in a family setting. This can help you live independently with some support and company when you need it.

You can choose someone to visit regularly or move in with them to get the care and support you need. This can be for a short time, like if you’re coming home from hospital, or for longer if you have an ongoing need. To find out more, call the scheme organiser on 0208 339 8083.

Get more support from social care

If you think you might need more care and support, you can find out whether you might qualify for social care support from us to help you live independently.

Last Modified: 15/05/2024 09:27:43