Rehousing Policy
The Rehousing policy covers circumstances when it is necessary for the Council’s secure and introductory tenants to vacate their permanent home temporarily (or in exceptional circumstances, permanently) to enable refurbishment or repair works to be carried out.
The policy gives examples of the circumstances whereby rehousing may be necessary and the financial compensation that will be made available.
This policy does not apply to:
- Permanent rehousing due to redevelopment/regeneration. Moves from regeneration estates, such as the Cambridge Road Estate are covered by separate policies and procedures.
- Tenants of another landlord. The provision of alternative accommodation falls to the tenant’s landlord. Leaseholders with tenants in their property are expected to make an insurance claim on the landlord insurance.
- Households living in temporary or emergency accommodation under the Council’s homelessness powers or duties. These will be dealt with by the Housing Register & Rehousing Team in Community Housing.
- Management Transfer requests - where a move is required due to a very serious risk of harm either physically and/or mentally from an external source. These are considered Management Moves, and are dealt with under the Allocations Policy/Management Transfer Procedures
Policy Implementation
We will provide residents with clear information and keep them informed throughout the rehousing process, either face to face, by phone or in writing.
As far as is reasonably possible, residents' needs are considered regarding alternative accommodation, and your housing officer will visit to carry out a Housing Needs Assessment early in the process.
Help and Support
Throughout the rehousing process you can appoint a family member or a friend to advocate on your behalf. If this is not possible, your Housing Officer can refer you to an external advocacy services such as:
- Kingston Housing Floating Support
- Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
- Kingston Advocacy Service
- Migrant Advocacy Service (MAG)
- Refugee Action Kingston (KAG)
- Kingston Carers Network (voice for young carers)
- Grace Advocacy Service
This list is not exhaustive and other agencies and organisations who can support are listed on the connected Kingston website.