Listed and Locally Listed Buildings

Listed Buildings

Listing is the act of identifying the most important parts of our heritage so they can be protected by law. The listing of historic buildings or sites celebrates their significance so they can be enjoyed by present and future generations.

How does the listing process work

There are two ways a building becomes listed:

You can find out if a building is listed through the council’s interactive heritage map and follow links to Historic England’s website for more information about the building.

How does a listed building affect homeowners

If you are the homeowner of a listed building, you will need to apply for listed building consent if you would like to carry out internal or external works to your property that affects its special architectural or historic interest. For more advice on whether you need planning permission you can use our pre application service

Historic England have practical advice for homeowners who wish to carry out maintenance, repairs or make changes to listed/older buildings.

To understand how national planning policy seeks to conserve and enhance the historic environment, please refer to the NPPF.

Energy efficiency in listed/older buildings

Historic England have a wide range of practical guidance to help with saving energy for listed/older buildings. Many improvements can be carried out at a low cost, making the buildings more comfortable, as well as helping occupants save money on fuel bills.

Unauthorised works to a listed building

It is a criminal offence to carry out works to a listed building which require listed building consent. If you are a member of the public and concerned that unauthorised works are taking place to a listed building contact us using our report a suspected breach of planning form.  

Last Modified: 05/03/2025 08:40:44