Conservation areas
Richmond Road
Designation date: September 1998
No of properties: 184
Area: 7.2 hectares
Designation summary
The special architectural and historic interest of this area can be summarised as: A range of fine late Victorian and Edwardian houses of distinctive groups of red brick construction.
Historical background
The land between Albany Park Road and Richmond Road originally formed part of the Bank Grove Estate which on the death of the owner Sir Charles Freake in 1884, was subdivided into 35 lots and offered for sale as freehold building land for housing.
The houses in Albany Park Road and Richmond Road were the first to be built in this conservation area with 47 out of 55 houses within these roads built over an 8 year period between 1891 -1898. While seven different developers were responsible for these buildings, only two architects designed 44 of them, which explains the close harmony of architectural treatment between the group of detached houses on Albany Park Road and the group of semi detached houses on both sides of Richmond Road.
The houses are good examples of middle class housing in the Vernacular Revival style; which is a style which became fashionable in the 1890s. The buildings have a robust, picturesque appearance with gabled fronts, bay windows, tile hanging and decorative brickwork.
The boundary walls, mature gardens and trees are also of townscape interest and make a positive contribution to the visual amenity of the area.
Listed Buildings
Locally Listed Buildings
Adjacent Conservation Areas (CA) / Local Areas of Special Character (LASC)
Close to Riverside North Conservation Area
Archaeological Priority Area
2.1 Stevens Eyots and Kingston Thames Riverside
Article 4 Directions
Further Information
Richmond Road Conservation Area Designation Report
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Map of Richmond Road conservation area