Meet the Community Development Team

Our Community Development Team is tasked with identifying and reducing health inequalities within the borough. By working alongside the community, our partners, voluntary groups and service providers, they aim to: 

  • Encourage an active, resilient and inclusive community
  • Reach out to socially excluded and disadvantaged groups, and remove the barriers they face
  • Promote dialogue across community groups
  • Collaborate with, train and empower local residents to enable community-led initiatives to take place 

Contact us

Get in touch with one of our team if you want to find out more, get involved or need our assistance. 

We can help support local community groups, charities and social enterprises with a range of challenges, such as exploring new projects and securing funding. The Community Development Team are:

Sign up to our Community Newsletter

Stay in the loop with what's happening in the local community and the work the team are getting on with. You can view the latest issue, past issues and subscribe for future content.

Last Modified: 02/03/2020 11:40:23