Fine Art Auction

We’ll be auctioning fine art from Kingston University students and local artists at the Ancient Market House in the famous market place.

What better way to support Kingston creatives whilst bagging a perfect Christmas present for yourself or a loved one? There’s no pressure to take part in the auction if you attend.

The auction is organised by Not My Beautiful House, aiming to raise money for the initiative to continue beyond 2022. We’ll be serving wine and free italian street food, joined by DJ’s and portrait artists throughout the evening. 

Led by Union of Kingston Students with support from Studio KT1, Not My Beautiful House represents over 200 local businesses and creatives, so far generating over £100,000 on their behalf. 80% of each sale, including those from the auction, goes back to the creative, whilst 20% commission is taken to support the initiative.

To register for a free ticket visit:

Date: 30th November 2022.

Location: Not My Beautfiul House, Kingston

Cost: Free

Time: 17:30 - 20:30