The United Synagogue Mitzvah Day 2024
Mitzvah Day is a Jewish led day of social action that aims to bring together people of all faiths and of no-faith to volunteer side-by-side.
The United Synagogue Chesed department has made it very easy for people to donate. We have selected a ‘New Toy Drive’ for children and toiletries for adults and their families.
With your help, US Chesed will be able to distribute these gifts to recipients of their food parcels, asylum seekers, refugees, children in domestic abuse shelters, and students from low-income families. For many recipients, these gifts may be the only ones they receive all year.
To donate toiletries, just click on the site below and donate directly. Your chosen items are then delivered directly to the US Chesed warehouse by Amazon.
Wish List:
To donate new toys, visit
Alternatively, you can buy toiletries or toys and bring them to the shul on Sunday 24th November where you can drop them off from 10.30am - 12.30pm.
Thank you for your support and generosity.