Communities Month activities

A group of people stood in front of a church before a volunteering event

June marks Communities Month, an opportunity for Kingston to come together and celebrate those who empower our communities and a chance to highlight the borough’s rich culture and heritage.

Throughout the month, there will be lots going on to celebrate these contributions and also proudly showcase inspiring local people who make a real difference across our neighbourhoods. 

We will be: 

  • Celebrating Pride Month by acknowledging the achievements, contributions and heritage of our LGBTQIA+ communities whilst continuing to work hard to improve inclusivity and eradicate prejudice and discrimination. You will be able to see the LGBTQIA+ flag flying above the Guildhall on 3 June. 
  • Showing our gratitude to all of our volunteers in the borough during National Volunteering Week (3-9 June). Our volunteers inspire us and contribute to the strength of our community every day. We will also be recognising these amazing contributions at our ‘Celebrating Communities Awards’ on Thursday 6 June 2024. Find out more about this on our EventBrite page.
  • Shining a spotlight on our carers as part of Carers Week (10 - 16 June) to thank them for their hard work and commitment. For information on support for carers, visit Connected Kingston.  
  • Raising awareness of the refugee experience and marking our commitment to becoming a City of Sanctuary during Refugee Week (17 - 23 June) and standing with all our communities.  
  • Continuing our work to becoming an Age Friendly Borough and introducing the first offers of age appropriate fitness and activities. 

Kingston is thankful for this opportunity to celebrate everything that makes our communities great. The council is committed to working together to make a positive difference and will continue connecting with residents and communities as we are stronger when we work together. 

You can find a list of events and volunteering opportunities across the borough on our website. 

Date: 1st June 2024 - 30th June 2024 Recurs daily.

Location: Kingston Kingston

Cost: £0