David Tootill Mosaics Event

David Tootill Mosaics Event flyer

Join us at Hillcroft campus and hear from David Tootill (Principal of London School Mosaics) talking about the William Blake (Lambeth) Mosaics and the story behind them.

This is the launch event to the Hillcroft Mosaic Project which includes the restoration of the William Blake Mosaics by RHACC's Artist in Residence Jo Lewis which will then be displayed at Surbiton station in the Summer.

This talk is a personal journey through the reasons for creating Blake’s Lambeth project, which installed 70 mosaics around Hercules Rd where William Blake lived 1790-1800. It includes a chronology, gaining funding, collaboration with artists and volunteers, a look at William Blake the artist and poet and opportunities for public realm enhancement.

To register for your free ticket, please visit the eventbrite page for this event.

You can find more information on the Hillscroft Mosaics Project on the Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College website.

Date: 9th March 2023.

Location: Hillcroft Campus, Art Room, KT6 6DF

Cost: Free

Time: 18:30 - 20:30