Kingston Hedgehog Talk 2023


Kingston Council welcomes you to the world of hedgehogs and discussion about our 2022 hedgehog survey.

Join us on 15 February as we introduce you to our incredible hedgehog neighbours and tell you about how we have been working with the Institute of Zoology and the local community to survey hedgehogs across Old Malden and New Malden in 2022.

This short talk which will be led by our fantastic Biodiversity Officer, Elliot Newton. Elliot will cover the results of the survey and explain the simple steps that we can all take to make the borough a better place for hedgehogs. The presentation will also discuss how we are looking to expand the project moving into this year, and what opportunities there will be to get involved.

We will also briefly touch on the pine marten sighting which we found last year. 

Further details will be announced shortly. Reserve your tickets via our eventbrite page.

Date: 15th February 2023.

Location: Online

Cost: Free

Time: 18:00 - 19:00