Rangers sort out fly tipping

Kingston Council’s Rangers Team have been out in force recently tackling the scourge of fly tipping.

The team’s latest challenge was clearing the rubbish dumped at Green Lane in Chessington. The Rangers Team involved - Dale Gossington (Chessington), Jackie Dore (Malden and Coombe), Nguyen Hoang (Surbiton), Oliver Sharp (Kingston) - worked for three hours to remove the builders’ debris, large logs, bags, soil and mulch and make the area safe for the community to use.

Jackie Dore said: “Progress was good as it was a group effort with rangers helping from across the patch. We normally attend our own areas but it was nice to get together as a team, as our normal duties have been put on hold during the pandemic. Instead, we have been helping with the MT unit in the Cattle Market, assisting with food deliveries, PPE equipment collection and prescription deliveries.”

“Many thanks to all the team,” said Richard Jolly, Highways Inspector. “It certainly looks a lot better now. We all have a passion about the work we carry out and when the environment is spoilt by illegal fly tipping and the odd bag of household waste, it's very rewarding to restore nature for all to enjoy. The Rangers are committed at what they do and don't mind rolling their sleeves up and getting stuck in. Great job!"

Fly-tipping is a criminal offence punishable by a fine of up to £50,000 or 12 months imprisonment if convicted in a Magistrates’ Court. You can report fly tipping on our website.

Fly tipping at Green Lane, Chessington:

Fly tipping in Green Lane

The area after the fly tip was cleared - much better!

Cleared fly tipping Green Lane, Chessington

Our wonderful Neighbourhood Ranger team:

Neighbourhood Ranger team


Last Modified: 11/03/2021 14:34:53