Job Search Programme · 09/09/2024

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Course name
Job Search Programme
Course code
Introduction to the course

This programme will be tailored to suit your individual needs regarding your job search or career journey. An Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Officer will discuss your specific circumstances at the start of the programme, help you set your targets, and support you throughout your programme. A dedicated one-to-one appointment with the IAG Officer will be arranged to provide detailed information on the programme content, type of support, what you can expect from the service, as well as to help you select suitable sessions and workshops. The course consists of regular weekly small-group sessions and one-off workshops.

What will I learn?

You will be offered help with assessing your starting point and identifying your goals in terms of progress into employment, further learning, voluntary work, progress in your existing job, or a career change. The IAG Officer will support you with identifying your skills development needs, tailoring your CV and supporting statement, interview practice, completing applications, and reaching out to recruiters, employers or course providers. Your adviser will work to empower you with the practical skills to confidently continue your career journey.

What are the entry requirements?

A good level of English is required. An initial assessment is completed prior to the start of the programme.

What do I need to bring with me to class?

Pen and paper may be useful. This is a classroom-based programme. You will have access to a suitable device with an internet connection to work on digital resources.

What can I do after my course has finished?

Your individual goals will be discussed with the IAG Officer at the start of the programme, and progression from the programme will be regularly reviewed as part of the sessions.
Additionally, further suitable courses may be recommended by your IAG Officer.

Available concessions
This programme is fully funded by the government for eligible learners.
Qualification Title
Non regulated Community Learning, Employability and transferable skills
End of course assessment method/s
Personal Learning Plan
Course start and end dates
09-Sep-2024 to 18-Jul-2025
Time and day
09:30 to 11:00; 11:00 to 12:30; 13:00 to 14:30; 14:30 to 16:00 (Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri)
Course duration
Site Address

Guildhall, 2 High Street, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1EU

How do I apply?

Step 1: Complete the application form using the link on this course outline.
Step 2: You will receive details of the initial assessment. Please, complete the assessment promptly.
Step 3: You will be offered an appointment with an IAG Officer. This appointment will include confirmation of your eligibility for full government funding. Your place on the course will be confirmed at this appointment.

What should I do if I have any questions?


Last date for enrolment
The current programme runs between September 2024 and July 2025. We are taking new enrolments until 1 June 2025.
Enrolment link