Zone A and A1 (Kingston Town Centre)

Apple Market
Ashdown Road
Avenue Road
Bath Passage
Birkenhead Avenue
Bishops Hall
Bridle Close
Brook Street
Castle Street
Caversham Road
Church Street, Kingston
Clarence Street
Cromwell Road
Crown Passage
Dolphin Street
Downhall Road
East Lane
Eden Street
Emms Passage
Fairfield East
Fairfield North
Fairfield Road
Fairfield South (from junction with Knights Park and Fairfield West to common boundary of Falconry Court and No. 6 Fairfield South)
Fairfield West
Fife Road
Gordon Road
Grange Road
Hardman Road
High Street, Kingston
Kent Road
Kingsgate Road
Kingston Bridge
Kingston Hall Road
Knight's Park
Lady Booth Road
Littlefield Close
London Road (all except Nos. 190, 191 and 192)
Street 61
Milner Road
Orchard Road
Palmer Crescent
Penrhyn Road (from south-western kerb line of the south-western arm of Grove Crescent to junction with Surbiton Road)
Portsmouth Road (from junction with High Street to the southern boundary of the T.A.V.R. Centre, Portsmouth Road)
Queen Elizabeth Road (from junction with London Road to the northern kerb-line of Gordon Road)
Ram Passage
Richmond Street (west side, from junction with Sopwith Way to junction with Kingsgate Road)
Sopwith Way
South Lane, Kingston
Southsea Road
St. James's Road, Kingston
Street 49
Steadfast Road
Street 50
Surbiton Road
Thames Side
The Bittoms
Union Street
Vicarage Road
Walter Street
Water Lane
Weston Park
Wheatfield Way
Wood Street
Woodbines Avenue