Canbury Place
- Address
- Walter Street, Kingston upon Thames KT2 5AA
- Map
- Wrong carpark?
- Opening hours
Open all week, 24 hours a day
- When do I need to pay for parking?
Parking charges apply at all times (Monday to Sunday, 24 hours a day including public and bank holidays)
Payment is made via mobile or cash can be used at any paypoint shop.
Ring Go 26504
If you're parking in Kingston please be aware scammers are about. There are 3 ways to pay for parking by RingGo and QR codes isn't one of them. Please do not scan any QR code that you see. You can report a parking QR code scam by calling APCOA, our parking service team, on 07974 296852 (Monday to Saturday: 7am-10pm, Sunday: 10.30am-10pm). Outside of these hours please call 101 and report the incident. More info: - Day charges
From 7am to 7pm, day charges apply:
- £2.50 per hour
- If parking for more than six hours it caps to a £15.00 flat rate for the whole day (including evening charge)
- Evening charges
From 7pm to 7am, a flat rate of £3.60 applies for the whole evening
- Season tickets available?
- Yes
- Season ticket costs
Monday to Friday:
- monthly season ticket: £195.75
- quarterly season ticket (3 months): £489.38
- annual season ticket: £1,761.75
Monday to Sunday:
- monthly season ticket: £273.75
- quarterly season ticket (3 months): £684.38
- annual season ticket: £2,463.75
- Details
- pay for parking place
- 106 spaces
- 5 disabled spaces, no charge for use
- there is no height restriction
- type: surface
- there are no electric vehicle charge points
- awarded Park Mark® Safer Parking status
- 6 minute walk to town centre
- Parking charges notice