Local Government Transparency Code

Housing data and information

Find information on housing data, including data on homelessness, housing register, lettings and stock  

Data enquiries

We understand that there is a growing interest in housing information for the local borough.

We have provided some answers to frequently asked questions we have received.

For any other data enquiries see the freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations page for help on submitting a request.


Homelessness data is provided to the government for the national H-CLIC homelessness statistics. This data provided by local governments is used to monitor homelessness levels both locally and nationally. This is provided on a quarterly basis and is published on the live tables on GOV.UK homelessness page.  You can find Kingston data on the “Detailed Local Authority Level Tables”.   

You can find more information on homelessness and trends on the GOV.UK website search.

Temporary accommodation 


Spend on temporary accommodation by supplier is available.

In terms of sorting the data by supplier type: 

  • leased accommodation is "PSL landlords"  
  • bed and breakfast and nightly paid accommodation is "Accommodation Bed & Breakfast".   

Financial Data is available back to 2019/20

We do not provide details of the names of individuals who supply us with private-sector leased accommodation for data protection reasons so this is redacted. 

People in temporary accommodation 

Data on the number of people in temporary accommodation is provided to the government for the national H-CLIC homelessness statistics. This data is provided on a quarterly basis and is published on the live tables on GOV.UK homelessness page.  You can find Kingston data on the “Detailed Local Authority Level Tables”  and worksheets TA1-TA3. 

Housing Register & Lettings


Details on lettings both, by size and by target group are available for the last financial year.  Figures are available for the last five years and this information is updated annually.  

Lettings Data is provided to the government as part of the CORE Social Housing Lettings data returns (GOV.UK), which is published annually in around September each year. 

Council Housing Stock 

Local Authority Housing Statistics data returns

Information on council social housing stock and rent is available on GOV.UK as part of the Local Authority Housing Statistical Returns. 

Council ownership

Council ownership map shows information related to council-owned land, including Housing Estates.

Housing estate map

Housing estate map with all the estate walkabout data, facilities and assets belonging to the housing team.

Last Modified: 26/06/2024 15:56:13