Get involved in decision making

Asking Questions at Council and Committee meetings

Anyone who lives, works or studies in the Royal Borough of Kingston can ask a question at meetings of the Full Council, at Committee meetings or Neighbourhood Committee Meetings.

30 minutes will be set aside at the start of a meeting for this purpose.

Dates of Council meetings can be found below together with the deadline for submitting questions.

Meeting of the Council Deadline for Submission of Questions
10 July 2024

12 noon on Fri 28 June 2024

15 October 2024 12 noon on Thurs 3 October 2024
12 December 2024 12 noon on Mon 2 December 2024
1 April 2025 12 noon on Thurs 20 Mar 2024

(Questions cannot be submitted to the Annual Meeting of the Council in May or the meeting which agrees the Budget and Council Tax.)

How many questions can I ask?

Council: One question may be asked per person or organisation per meeting. 
Strategic Committees & Neighbourhood Committees: No more than two questions shall be submitted by an individual at each meeting except for at Neighbourhood Committees where no limit applies.

Questions must be put in person but you can ask to provide translation or other practical assistance to facilitate a question where required. If you have any individual requirements or feel that addressing the meeting may present a difficulty, please let us know in good time and at least the day before the meeting, and, as far as reasonably practicable, arrangements will be made to assist.

What is the deadline for questions for Committee Meetings?

Strategic Committee Meetings:  If you want to ask a question you must let us know in writing two clear working days prior to the meeting, not including the day of the meeting. This can be done by emailing or by completing the form set out below. 

Neighbourhood Committee meetings: If you want to ask a Neighbourhood Committee question you can let us know in writing by 10am on the working day prior to the day of the meeting. (You do not need to let us know in advance what your question is but doing so would be helpful.)

How do I submit a Question?

Please email or use the Submit a Question Form.

Last Modified: 20/05/2024 16:34:39

Democratic Support

For general enquiries about councillors, committees and the decision making process.

Address: Guildhall
High Street
Kingston upon Thames

Telephone: 0208 547 4607