RBK Charging Schedule

CIL charging schedules

RBK’s CIL Charging Schedule (KCIL)

RBK’s charging Schedule was adopted in November 2015. RBK charging schedule can be viewed online.

The schedule is also outlined below. Note that in some cases the charging rate varies depending on the location (or zone) of the approved development. Which zone a development lies in can be identified through our interactive CIL Mapping tool

All charging rates are indexed against the BCIS Index as set out in the CIL regulations, and so the rate you pay will be greater than those shown in the schedule/below. All calculations/indexes will be set out on any CIL liability Notices issued, and the Council has a CIL calculator which can be used to estimate the CIL liabilities of a particular development 

If an approved development site crosses two zone boundaries then it will be charged at the higher rate. 

Residential developments:

  • zone one is £210 per square metre
  • zone two is £130 per square metre
  • zone three is £85 per square metre
  • zone four is £50 per square metre

Care homes and retirement housing:

  • zones one and two are £50 per square metre
  • zones three and four are £20 per square metre

Extra care housing:

  •  all zones are £20 per square metre

Student housing:

  • all zones are £220 per square metre

Retail-convenience based supermarkets and superstores: 

(These are shopping destinations in their own right where weekly food shopping needs are met. They can also include non-food floorspace as part of the overall mix of the unit.)

  • all zones are £200 per square metre

Retail warehousing, where the net retail space is more than 280 square metres:

(These are large stores specialising in the sale of household goods, such as carpets, furniture and electrical goods or DIY items and other ranges of goods. They catering mainly for customers arriving by car.)

  • all zones £200 per square metre

All other Retail

  • any development in the Kingston Town Centre, Primary Shopping Area, is £200 per square metre
  • For the rest of borough it is £20 per square metre

You can identify whether your site lies within the Primary Shopping Area via this interactive map.   

Public service and community facilities

There is no (£0) CIL charge for public service and community facilities. Public service and community facilities include:

  • development by the emergency services for operational purposes
  • development used wholly or mainly for the provision of education as a school or college under the Education Acts or as an institution of higher education;
  • development used wholly or mainly for the provision of any medical or health services,
  • community halls, community arts centres, theatres, museums and libraries where development is for the purposes of delivering a public service or community facility.

All other uses:

Any other use which is not outlined above is charged at £20 per square metre

TFL’s CIL Charging Schedule (MCIL)

As highlighted elsewhere on the website, TFL has an adopted charging schedule that also applies to developments within the Royal Borough of Kingston. 

The mayoral charging schedule can be viewed online.

As of 2024, the rate for all CIL-liable developments is £60 per square metre (indexed against the BCIS). The following uses are however exempt (£0 per square metre) 

  • Development used wholly or mainly for the provision of any medical or health services except the use of premises attached to the residence of the consultant or practitioner
  • Development used wholly or mainly for the provision of education as a school or college under the Education Acts or as an institution of higher education

Last Modified: 02/05/2024 16:17:32