Community Engagement Framework
The Community Engagement Framework - what is it and what does it do?
The framework outline’s the council’s approach to engagement, which is focussed on strengthening the relationship between the council and the community, alongside ‘hardwiring’ effective engagement into our decision making - involving the community early on in the design of local services and the things that affect them.
Our framework aims to build a common understanding of how we can improve engagement by setting principles and standards - building clear, shared expectations that focus on what can be achieved. It also sets out what the council will do and how we will shape a new approach and culture across the organisation. Using the framework as a guide, we want to improve so we hear more views earlier to shape what we do.
You can view the framework by clicking on the button below.
Community Engagement Framework
How can I get involved in decision-making?
Our Kingston Let’s Talk platform provides an easy space to see all of the engagement activity currently being carried out across a wide range of council services. Here you can review information, provide your thoughts on topics and help to shape the future of Kingston.
If you need any of the information above in an alternative format (e.g. large print, in another language or an easy read version), please get in touch to let us know via phone 0208 547 5000 or email