Sustainable September 2024 - the events
What's on?

Sustainable September 2024 has now come to a close. Thank you to everyone who toook part in the month - a summary of the activities can be found below.
Previous events
Applications for Street Parties and Play Streets for Car Free Day (applications are now closed)
All month: Community Brain Walking Routes
Explore the local area by walking routes which have been created and recommended by members of the local community. They highlight many of the borough's beautiful local nature reserves and parks, alongside community spaces. Visit the Community Brain's website to explore the routes.
30 September: Full Cycle - Winterproof your bike, 175-181 Kingston Rd New Malden KT3 3SX (6:30pm - 7:30pm)
The Full Cycle team is passionate about ensuring cycling isn't just a fair-weather option, but an accessible and affordable way to lift your spirits all year round - even on the darkest winter day.Whether you're new to cycling or keen for a pre-season refresher, join the first in their new series of Maintenance Monday evening events, where the team will share top tips on how to get you and your bike ready for cycling this autumn / winter. Book your free space on Eventbrite.
2 September: Bat walk at Surbiton Wood and Richard Jefferies Bird Sanctuary (7:30pm - 9pm).
Join the council's Biodiversity Officer on a bat walk learning about these fascinating mammals, in the wood tucked behind Surbiton station. Please email to book a ticket.
4 September: Batwalk at Tolworth Court Farm (7.20pm - 9pm).
Join our Biodiversity Officer for an enchanting evening at Tolworth Court Farm, the borough's largest nature reserve. Explore the captivating world of bats and learn about the pioneering rewilding project transforming this site into one of London’s most outstanding nature areas. Book your free tickets on Eventbrite.
7 September: Kingston Repair Cafe (10.30am to 1.00pm).
Part of an international network, the Repair Cafe returns to Kingston Library to help local people give their items a new lease of life and learn some money saving skills in the process. If you've got something that needs a little TLC, visit the Transition Town Kingston website to find out more.
7 September: Open day at the Hogsmill Community Garden (From 2pm onwards)
Come along to the open day at this fantastic community garden found in the heart of Kingston on the banks of the Hogsmill River. Learn about how the volunteer team have transformed the area into a beautiful garden which is much loved by many local people. Get directions on What 3 Words.
8 September: Canbury Community Garden Open Day (11.30am to 1pm).
Discover the secrets of the Canbury Community Garden, tucked away behind the Canbury Secret Cafe. Find out about wildlife-friendly food growing and happy hens. Get directions by visiting the garden's Facebook page.
8 September: Energy Efficient Open Home in North Kingston (2pm, 3pm and 4pm slots).
Local residents who have improved the energy efficiency of their homes and reduced their energy bills will open their homes to visitors interested in doing the same, answer questions and dispel some of the misinformation around. Speak to local people about their solar panels, air source heat pump and double and treble glazing. Email to book a slot and for location details.
8 September: Energy Efficient Open Home in Norbiton (2pm, 3pm and 4pm slots).
Local residents who have improved the energy efficiency of their homes and reduced their energy bills will open their homes to visitors interested in doing the same, answer questions and dispel some of the misinformation around. Speak to local people about their solar panels, 'aerogel' internal wall insulation and smart heating controls. Email to book a slot and for location details.
8 September: Wildlife Friendly Garden in North Kingston (2.30pm and 3.30pm slots).
Keen to make your garden a haven for wildlife but unsure where to start? Meet some local people who are keen to show you what's possible. Email to book a slot and for location details.
8 September: Kingston Environment Centre (1pm to 4pm).
Pop by the Kingston Environment Centre (1 Kingston Rd, New Malden, KT3 3PE), tour their garden and find out about the fantastic work their volunteers undertake and how you can get involved. They'll be on hand to talk composting and are also hosting a quiz on climate change adaptation. No need to book.
8 September: Hogsmill Community Garden Open Day (11am - 3pm)
Head over to the Hogsmill Community Garden to find out about composting and how you can get involved in community gardening. No need to book, just head to Swan Path, Vineyard Close, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2RH.
8 September: Bat Walk at Cromwell Recreation Ground (7.15pm - 8.45pm)
Join the council's Biodiversity Officer on a bat walk learning about these fascinating mammals at Cromwell Rec with the Cromwell Residential and Open Space Society. Please email to book a ticket.
10 September: Saving waste, money and the environment workshop for businesses - Surbiton (2.30pm - 3.30pm)
Join us for a free workshop to find out how to save resources and money and get the latest information on new waste and recycling legislation coming in for all businesses for 2025. You’ll also be able to find out about joint procurement, single use plastics, food waste & safety, fly-tipping and more. 20 minute talk by an expert, followed by an optional Q&A. Get the location when you book your free ticket.
10 September: THINK GREEN - Harnessing the power of a Green Economy and New Technologies
Kingston Council, in partnership with Kingston Chamber of Commerce, invites all businesses in and around the borough to join our Roundtable Discussion aiming to help businesses understand the opportunities created from transition to a green economy. Find out more and book your free tickets on Eventbrite.
10 September: Dr Bike at Guildhall 2, High Street, KT1 1EU (12pm to 3pm).
Mechanics will be on hand to carry out free bike checks, fixing a range of issues including; adjusting brake levers, indexing gears and lubricating key mechanical parts. They'll be joined by The Police who'll security mark your bike for free. There's no need to book but visit our website for more information.
12 September: Dr Bike at Chessington North Parade (2.30pm to 4.30pm).
Mechanics will be on hand to carry out free bike checks, fixing a range of issues including; adjusting brake levers, indexing gears and lubricating key mechanical parts. They'll be joined by The Police who'll security mark your bike for free. There's no need to book but visit our website for more information.
14 September: Edith Gardens Community Open Day (11am to 2pm).
Join the Citizen Zoon team and celebrate the reopening of Edith Gardens Local Nature Reserve. All are welcome to a special day focused on community wellbeing & rewilding. Find out more and save a space on Eventbrite.
14 September: Dr Bike at Jubilee Square in New Malden (11am to 3pm).
Mechanics will be on hand to carry out free bike checks, fixing a range of issues including; adjusting brake levers, indexing gears and lubricating key mechanical parts. They'll be joined by The Police who'll security mark your bike for free. There's no need to book but visit our website for more information.
14 September: NatureFest at Manor Park
Join the Friends of Manor Park for a fun day of family-friendly activities. Please email for more information.
19 September: Dr Bike and Kingston Cycling Campaign at Surbiton Station (4pm to 7pm).
Dr Bike's mechanics will be on hand to carry out free bike checks, fixing a range of issues including; adjusting brake levers, indexing gears and lubricating key mechanical parts. They'll be joined by The Police, who'll security mark your bike for free, and Kingston Cycling Campaign who will be giving away bike lights from 5.30-7pm. There's no need to book but visit our website for more information.
19 September: Nature friendly dog walk at Tolworth Court Farm Fields (12pm to 1pm).
Join CitizenZoo for a dog-friendly wildlife walk where you'll learn all about the local history and ecology of Tolworth Court Farm Fields and the many wild species found there. Take the opportunity to exercise your dog(s), meet like-minded people and learn how, as dog owners and walkers we can take steps to protect wildlife while enjoying the outdoors with our pets. Save a space on Eventbrite.
20 September: Reusable nappy event (10am to 11.30am).
There'll be a demonstration, reusable nappy stall, baby clothing give-and-take stall and residents will be able to claim their £50 vouchers to purchase on reusable nappies. Let us know you're coming by booking a ticket. Kingston Town Children’s Centre, Villiers Road, Kingston, KT1 3AR.
21 September: The Great Fairfield Litter Pick (2pm to 3pm).
Join local litter heroes of all ages on World Cleanup Day weekend as they strive to make Fairfield Recreation Ground plus the Children's Playground lovely and clean for everyone to enjoy. Fairfield Road, Kingston, KT1 2PY. Please email for more information
21 September: Dr Bike outside the front of the Bentall Centre (11am to 4pm).
Mechanics will be on hand to carry out free bike checks, fixing a range of issues including; adjusting brake levers, indexing gears and lubricating key mechanical parts. They'll be joined by The Police who'll security mark your bike for free. There's no need to book but visit our website for more information.
22 September: Composting workshop at Canbury Community Garden (12pm to 1pm).
Composting is an environmentally friendly way of recycling your kitchen scraps and garden waste and an inexpensive way to provide nutrient-rich compost for your garden. Find out how to get started by spending an hour with people in-the-know!
23 September: Energy saving workshop for businesses - Kingston (2.30pm - 3.30pm).
If you run or work for a local business, join us for this session delivered in collaboration with experts, CREW. They’ll equip you with the knowledge and tools to make your business more energy-efficient while helping to tackle climate change. 20 minute talk by an expert, followed by an optional Q&A. Get the location when you book your free tickets.
25 September: The Happy Kingston Directory (4pm to 7pm).
This imaginary directory is a take on a Yellow Pages, where Kingston Hive will conjure up ideas for what FUTURE businesses and services local people want to have in a happy Kingston upon Thames. Using drawing, collage, and some simple warm-up exercises they'll explore what's working or not working for us in today's world. What do we want more of? Or less of? What do we actually need? Find out more and get directions.
25 September: Dr Bike at Guildhall 2, High Street, KT1 1EU (12pm to 3pm).
Mechanics will be on hand to carry out free bike checks, fixing a range of issues including; adjusting brake levers, indexing gears and lubricating key mechanical parts. They'll be joined by The Police who'll security mark your bike for free. There's no need to book but visit our website for more information.
26 September: Dr Bike at Kingston University's Knights Park campus (12pm to 3pm).
Mechanics will be on hand to carry out free bike checks, fixing a range of issues including; adjusting brake levers, indexing gears and lubricating key mechanical parts. They'll be joined by The Police who'll security mark your bike for free. There's no need to book but visit our website for more information.
26 September: Kingston Cycle Campaign at New Malden Station (5.30pm to 7pm)
Kingston Cycling Campaign will be giving bike lights to cyclists along The Cut / by New Malden Station and will be on hand to answer any other cycling-related questions to help keep you active this autumn.
28 September: Kingston Cycling Campaign at Surbiton Festival (10am to 4pm)
Kingston Cycling Campaign will be taking part in the Surbiton Festival (by Claremont Gardens, Surbiton), sharing information to encourage more Kingston residents to consider using a bike for local journeys. Find out about free local rides and routes and their confidence-building Cycle Buddy scheme, which connects new and experienced cyclists to help you plot and practice new routes and feel more confident getting around on two wheels, whether riding the kids to school, commuting to work or heading to the shops.
28 September: Screen printing workshop, Tolworth Community Library, 37-39 The Broadway Surbiton KT6 7DJ.
Through the art of Silk-Screen Printing this workshop will show you how we can turn that unloved garment into your favourite go to piece! Create your own design cutting out a stencil using paper and craft knife or choose one of our designs and colours to print. This workshop is suitable for all skill levels so if you are a confident printer or even a beginner everyone is welcome! Save a space on Eventbrite.
28 September: Ai4Fibres garment recycling demonstration, Ancient Market Place, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1JT (10am - 3pm)
Ai4Fibres, developed by KAPDAA, a local sustainable company, offers a portable AI-driven recycling solution for unwanted garments. This initiative showcases how advanced technology can efficiently sort and recycle textiles, providing a simple, eco-friendly way for the community to reduce waste. If you've got any old and worn out clothes or textiles you need to get rid, bring them along and see the technology in action.
28 September: Beverley Park Gardening Morning, 10am - 12pm.
Join the volunteers for a morning of weeding, pruning and a good tidy up. Meet at the Rose Beds. Email for more information.
29 September: Jumble Trail on the Sunray Estate at KT5 9** (just off Tolworth roundabout) (12pm - 4pm)
Join the community Jumble Trail at the Sunray Estate and the surrounding area to find hidden gems that are looking for a new home. Clothing, gadgets, appliances, food & drink, jewellery and more! If anyone wants to be added to the map please message Samiye on 07513934379. View the map to see the trail.
29 September: Women on Wheels ride, Ham House
A great opportunity to gain confidence on your bike in a fun and sociable environment. Led by qualified Kingston Council cycling instructors, the ride lasts for two to three hours and takes place in quieter routes at a leisurely pace. It includes a refreshment break. Visit our website to sign up and get details.
To be confirmed
Energy saving workshop for businesses - at the Lamb pub in Surbiton.
If you run or work for a local business, join us for this session delivered in collaboration with experts, CREW. They’ll equip you with the knowledge and tools to make your business more energy-efficient while helping to tackle climate change. This session was postponed at the start of the month - we are working to find an alternative date.
Family Day at Tolworth Court Farm Fields.
A family fun day at Tolworth Court Farm Fields to explore the beautiful nature reserve, hear about its future, and take part in child-friendly craft activities! This event was postponed due to weather - the page will be updated when a new date has been confirmed.