If your business generates food waste and is based in Kingston Town Centre or North Kingston, you could benefit from signing up to a 'Smart Food Waste' pilot project. A dedicated food waste collection could help your business save money as it costs less to collect per kilo compared to when it is collected from your normal bin. Find out more on our website and contact business@kingston.gov.uk if you're keen to take part.
Heart of the City has created a toolkit that you can download for free. It has been designed especially for SMEs in collaboration with sustainability experts from a variety of sectors. The toolkit has four modules: jargon busting, building the business case, measuring your carbon footprint and your net zero action plan. You can start with no knowledge of net zero as the first module will get you used to all the key terms, and you’ll finish having measured your carbon footprint and with a plan for your business to get to net zero.
Take a look at the Workplace Charging Scheme which provides support towards the costs of the purchase and installation of vehicle charging points for businesses
Take a look at the cargo bikes on offer from Peddle My Wheels - they're great for the environment and the health of your staff too
The Climate Action Community Fund is available for projects which encourage communities to use energy in an environmentally friendly way and promote energy efficiency
Better Futures+ is a free program of support for SMEs in London, funded by the UK government to support the capital’s journey to net zero. For more information and to join one of its three programmes (Cleantech Start-ups, Business Support and Retrofit accelerator), visit their website.
Sign up to the council’s Business Newsletter - we’ll be sure to include climate information for businesses in future editions
SLP Zero Waste Map - The map shows businesses, facilities and workshops within the South London sub-region that encourage the circular economy by eradicating waste packaging, encouraging reuse, upcycling and repair or offering facilities to recycle goods and materials once they have reached end of life. For general waste and recycling information in Kingston, visit the council website.