Local economy and investment

Kingston's Economic Development Strategy 2024-2028

A thriving borough where everyone can succeed in a changing world.

‘Confident in Kingston' is the Economic Development Strategy for Kingston upon Thames, 2024-2028. 

Kingston will be increasingly recognised as a place where business flourishes; where investment is welcome and serves all parts of the borough; where all residents and businesses can benefit from good growth, and where a green economy is at the heart of our actions. 

We’ll achieve this by working closely with and enabling action from partners and stakeholders, being ready for change in a fast-changing world and ensuring that no residents are excluded from the opportunities the future brings.

The strategy is based on a strong evidence base and extensive consultation and partner input gained in early 2024 which have informed a set of 5 key outcomes:

  1. Kingston recognised as a great location
  2. A leading green economy
  3. Adaptable, thriving town centres and places of work
  4. A fairer economy
  5. A place of active, productive collaboration

Each outcome has a set of actions and measures of success that will be monitored and reported upon regularly.

You can download our evidence base for the strategy, which draws together quantitative social, demographic, and economic data from the last five to 10 years.

To find out more or about development in the borough, visit the Invest in Kingston website

A text only version of the economic strategy and the full PDF are also available to download. 

Last Modified: 28/01/2025 11:44:20